consumption coagulopathy


 [ko-ag″u-lop´ah-the] any disorder of blood coagulation.consumption coagulopathy disseminated intravascular coagulation.

con·sump·tion co·ag·u·lop·a·thy

a disorder in which marked reductions develop in blood concentrations of platelets with exhaustion of the coagulation factors in the peripheral blood; often used as a synonym for disseminated intravascular coagulation (q.v.).
See also: fibrinogen-fibrin conversion syndrome.

consumption coagulopathy

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy Hematology A condition characterized by ↑ platelet consumption with coagulation factor depletion–prolonged PT, PTT, ↑ fibrinolysis–generation of fibrin split products Etiology Sepsis, extensive burns, trauma, retained dead fetus, heat stroke, mismatched blood transfusion, metastatic CA, some forms of leukemia Clinical Severe bleeding, bruising

con·sump·tion co·ag·u·lop·a·thy

(kŏn-sŭmp'shŭn kō-ag'yū-lop'ă-thē) A disorder in which marked reductions develop in blood concentrations of platelets with exhaustion of the coagulation factors in the peripheral blood as a result of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

con·sump·tion co·ag·u·lop·a·thy

(kŏn-sŭmp'shŭn kō-ag'yū-lop'ă-thē) A disorder in which marked reductions develop in blood concentrations of platelets with exhaustion of the coagulation factors in the peripheral blood due to disseminated intravascular coagulation.