

 [bun″yun-et´] enlargement of the lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal head.


(bŭn-yō-net'), Enlargement of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint. [bunion + -ette, diminutive suffix]

tailor’s bunion

Inflammation of the 5th metatarsal at the base of the little toe; named after the seated position of tailors who sat cross-legged, compressing a pressure point of the little toe that corresponded to the site of inflammation.
• Intrinsic—due to congenital bone defects, which is distinctly rare.
• Extrinsi—caused by footwear that puts pressure on the 5th metatarsal.
Clinical findings
Pain over the lateral base of the fifth toe; if extreme and prolonged, the skin may ulcerate.
Padded and/or wider shoes; surgery is a last resort.