CMPCCoût Moyen Pondéré du Capital (French: Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
CMPCCs Mars Package Checker
CMPCCisco Multi Path Channel
CMPCCentral Motion Picture Corporation (Taiwan)
CMPCConstrained Model Predictive Control
CMPCCertified Master Pastry Chef (American Culinary Federation)
CMPCClassified Matter Protection and Control
CMPCCompañia Manufacturera de Papeles y Cartones S.A.
CMPCCommunion Marie Porte du Ciel (French religious association)
CMPCCisco Multi-Path Channel
CMPCChildren's Media Policy Coalition
CMPCCentral Milk Producers Cooperative
CMPCConnecticut Minority Purchasing Council
CMPCClinical Molecular Profiling Core (US NCI; Bethesda, MD)
CMPCClassmate Personal Computer
CMPCCentraal Medisch Pharmaceutische Commissie (Netherlands)
CMPCColeg Meddygarth Prifysgol Cymru (Welsh: University of Wales College of Medicine)
CMPCCaptain Maggot's Pyrate Crew