Acronym | Definition |
FOC➣Full Operational Capability (US DoD acquisition term to depict when a specific activity reaches maturity) |
FOC➣Friends of the Constitution |
FOC➣Faculty of Commerce (various locations) |
FOC➣Focus |
FOC➣Fall of Cybertron (gaming) |
FOC➣Federation of Churches |
FOC➣Fiber Optic Center |
FOC➣Fellowship of Christians (various organizations) |
FOC➣Free Of Charge |
FOC➣Foreign Oil Company |
FOC➣Friend of the Court |
FOC➣Facilitating Organizational Change |
FOC➣Fort Omaha Campus (Metropolitan Community College; Omaha, NE) |
FOC➣Freedom of Creation (3D printing; Amsterdam) |
FOC➣Federal Office of Culture (Switzerland) |
FOC➣Flux Oriented Control |
FOC➣Forum of Conscience (human right group) |
FOC➣Freedom Online Coalition (intergovernmental coalition) |
FOC➣Franchise Offering Circular |
FOC➣Florentine Opera Company (Milwaukee, WI) |
FOC➣Field Oriented Control |
FOC➣Fail over Cluster |
FOC➣Force Output Compare |
FOC➣First Options of Chicago (Chicago, IL) |
FOC➣Flag of Convenience |
FOC➣Family Outreach Center |
FOC➣Foyer Occupationnel (French: Occupational Center) |
FOC➣Full and Open Competition |
FOC➣Fiber Optic Cable |
FOC➣Flight of the Conchords (TV series) |
FOC➣Factory Outlet Center |
FOC➣Free of Cost |
FOC➣Faint Object Camera (Hubble Telescope) |
FOC➣Finance and Operations Committee (various organizations) |
FOC➣Freedom of Choice |
FOC➣Firm Order Confirmation |
FOC➣Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
FOC➣Fruit of the Crime |
FOC➣Front of Center (archery) |
FOC➣First Order Condition (mathematics) |
FOC➣Ferrari Owners Club |
FOC➣Final Operational Capability |
FOC➣Fujitsu Optical Components (Japan) |
FOC➣Fuji Oil Company, Ltd. (Japan) |
FOC➣Fiber Optic Communications |
FOC➣Firm Order Commitment |
FOC➣Fiscal Oversight Committee (various organizations) |
FOC➣Family of Companies |
FOC➣Flight Operation Center |
FOC➣Fiber Optic Connector |
FOC➣Fixed Order Cycle (finance) |
FOC➣Flight Operations Center |
FOC➣Fold Out Cover (vinyl record feature) |
FOC➣First Of Class |
FOC➣Forward of Center (archery) |
FOC➣Fight of Characters (Warcraft III; computer game) |
FOC➣Foreign Operating Corporation |
FOC➣Follow-On Contract |
FOC➣Fresh Out Crew |
FOC➣Field Operations Center |
FOC➣Friends of Carlotta (from movie 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid') |
FOC➣FEMA Operations Center |
FOC➣Fiber Optic Component |
FOC➣Fear Of Commitment |
FOC➣Festival of Cricket |
FOC➣Fabrication d'Objets en Caoutchouc et Plastique (French: Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Objects) |
FOC➣Father of Child |
FOC➣Forward Only Conversion (radio control cars) |
FOC➣Future Operational Capability |
FOC➣Father of Chapel (senior trades union official SOGAT & NGA) |
FOC➣Federation Orientation Committee (University of Waterloo, California) |
FOC➣Force of Contraction |
FOC➣Fuzhou City (China) |
FOC➣Friends of Christ |
FOC➣Flex-on-Cap |
FOC➣Follower of Christ |
FOC➣Face of Curb |
FOC➣Frontal-Occipital Circumference |
FOC➣Force Organization Chart (gaming) |
FOC➣Fell Off Chair |
FOC➣First Class CW Operator's Club (UK) |
FOC➣Flux Cutting (welding) |
FOC➣Full Operational Clearance |
FOC➣Fact or Crap |
FOC➣Front-Of-Counter |
FOC➣Friends of Colombia (Peace Corps alumni) |
FOC➣Flat Over Crest (Rally Car Racing) |
FOC➣First Office Call (medical appointment) |
FOC➣FORSCOM Operations Center |
FOC➣Financial Operations Center |
FOC➣Future Operating Capability |
FOC➣Fall Off Chair |
FOC➣Facility Operations Center |
FOC➣Fleet Operations Center |
FOC➣Festival of Celebration |
FOC➣Flight Operations Committee (IATA) |
FOC➣Fall Out of Chair |
FOC➣Farthest-On Circle |
FOC➣Factor of Cooperation |
FOC➣Foreign Object Check |
FOC➣Fear Of Controlling (air traffic control) |
FOC➣Factory of Champions (San Antonio, TX) |
FOC➣Furthest-On Circle |
FOC➣Friends of Cry |
FOC➣Facilities Operations Committee |
FOC➣Firing Officer Console |
FOC➣Full Of Choice (Malacca, Malaysia shop) |
FOC➣Fiber Optical Characterization |
FOC➣Foreign Operating Companies |
FOC➣Fin Opener Crank (missile assembly tool) |
FOC➣Fundamental Orders of Connecticut |
FOC➣Flash-on-Camera (photography) |
FOC➣Friends of the Committee (various organizations) |
FOC➣Future Operations Cell |
FOC➣Friends of the Carpenters (non-profit ministry) |
FOC➣Foundation for Orphaned Children (Kenya) |
FOC➣Fill or Cancel |
FOC➣Free Organic Carbon |