Edward Wittig

Wittig, Edward


Born Sept. 22, 1879, in Warsaw; died there Mar. 3, 1941. Polish sculptor and an exponent of the neoclassical school.

Wittig studied in Vienna at the Academy of Arts (1898-1900) and in Paris (from 1900). He was a professor at the School of Fine arts in Warsaw (1915-20) and at the Academy of Arts in Krakow (1937-39). He was influenced by A. Rodin and A. Maillol. Wittig’s mature works exhibit a plastic universalizing quality and bold simplicity of form, for example, Eve (marble, 1912-20) and Struggle (bronze, 1916), both in the National Museum in Warsaw. Another important work, Monument to the Aviator (bronze, 1923-32), also in Warsaw, was destroyed during World War II and was restored in 1967.


Kozicki, W. Edward Wittig. Warsaw, 1932.