Acronym | Definition |
FCE➣First Certificate in English |
FCE➣Fondo de Cultura Económica (Spanish: Economic Culture Fund) |
FCE➣Faculty of Civil Engineering (various schools) |
FCE➣Foundation for Creative Expression (Arizona) |
FCE➣Functional Capacity Evaluation |
FCE➣Final Cut Express (Apple video editing suite) |
FCE➣Family and Consumer Education (various organizations) |
FCE➣Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (Spanish) |
FCE➣Florida Coastal Everglades |
FCE➣Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises (French women entrepreneur association) |
FCE➣Field Company Engineers |
FCE➣Flat Carbon Europe (ArcelorMittal) |
FCE➣Forces Armées Conventionnelles en Europe (French: Conventional Armed Forces in Europe) |
FCE➣First Class Education (various locations) |
FCE➣Fibro-Cartilagenous Embolism |
FCE➣Football Club des Écrivains (French football club) |
FCE➣Flight Crew Equipment (US NASA) |
FCE➣Fuel Cell Energy |
FCE➣Fédération des Congolais de l'Etranger (French: Federation of Congolese Abroad) |
FCE➣Family Community Education (former homemakers organization) |
FCE➣Fonds de Compétitivité des Entreprises (France) |
FCE➣Finished Consultant Episode (UK hospital statistics) |
FCE➣Fluid Control Europe (France) |
FCE➣Feed Conversion Efficiency (animal nutrition) |
FCE➣Fletcher Challenge Energy (New Zealand) |
FCE➣Foreign Currency Exchange |
FCE➣Football Club de l'Elle (French football club) |
FCE➣Foundation for Co-Existence (Sri Lanka) |
FCE➣Future Computing Environments |
FCE➣Foundation for a College Education |
FCE➣Federal College of Education (various locations) |
FCE➣Fondation Congolaise pour l'Education (French: Congolese Foundation for Education; Congo) |
FCE➣Finished Ceiling Elevation (architecture) |
FCE➣Fleet Civil Engineer (US Navy) |
FCE➣Forum on Contemporary Europe (Stanford University; Stanford, CA) |
FCE➣Free Church of England |
FCE➣Forward Command Element |
FCE➣Faculdade Campos Elíseos (Portuguese: College Champs Elysees; Champs Elysees, Sao Paulo, Brazil) |
FCE➣Family Computer Emulator |
FCE➣Field Clinical Engineer |
FCE➣Full Compliance Evaluation |
FCE➣Fire Control Equipment |
FCE➣France Conseil Environnement (French construction company) |
FCE➣Federal Canning Establishment (food safety; US FDA) |
FCE➣Florida Commission on Ethics |
FCE➣Fussballclub Einsiedeln (Swiss soccer club) |
FCE➣Full Credit Equivalents |
FCE➣Football Club de l'Estuaire (French football club) |
FCE➣Forward Control Element |
FCE➣Frequency Correlation Estimate |
FCE➣Fussball-Club Energie |
FCE➣Flexible Critical Experiment |
FCE➣Fédération de la Chimie et de l'Énergie (French: Chemical and Energy Federation) |
FCE➣Fenn College of Engineering (Cleveland State University) |
FCE➣Fires Coordination Element |
FCE➣Flight Control Element |
FCE➣Fussballclub Erzgebirge (Aue, Germany) |