Acronym | Definition |
CTML➣Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning |
CTML➣Crescent Textile Mills Ltd. (Pakistan) |
CTML➣Centro Teologico Manuel Larrain (Spanish: Manuel Larrain Theological Center; Chile) |
CTML➣Charge-Transfer Metal to Ligand |
CTML➣Computed Tomography Laser Mammography (imaging) |
CTML➣Caruman Tanpa Maklumat Lengkap (Malay: Incomplete Contributions Information) |
CTML➣Chris Taylor Master Locksmith (UK) |
CTML➣Controlled Trade Markup Language |
CTML➣Computation Tree Measurement Language |
CTML➣Comércio e Tecelagem de Malhas, Lda (Portuguese: Trade and Woven Mesh, Ltd.) |
CTML➣Cabinet Taffou-Montrade-Locatelli (French law firm) |
CTML➣Collaborative Task Modeling Language |