释义 |
con·ta·gium C0596100 (kən-tā′jəm)n. pl. con·ta·gia (-jə) The causative agent of a communicable disease; contagion. [Latin contāgium, contagion, contamination, from contāgiō; see contagion.]contagium (kənˈteɪdʒɪəm) n, pl -gia (-dʒɪə) (Pathology) pathol the specific virus or other direct cause of any infectious disease[C17: from Latin, variant of contāgiō contagion]con•ta•gium (kənˈteɪ dʒəm, -dʒi əm) n., pl. -gia (-dʒə, -dʒi ə) the causative agent of a contagious or infectious disease, as a virus. [1645–55; < Latin, =contāg- (see contagion) + -ium -ium1] contagium
con·ta·gi·um (kon-tā'jē-ŭm), The agent of an infectious disease. Synonym(s): contagion (1) [L. a touching] contagium (kən-tā′jəm)n. pl. conta·gia (-jə) The causative agent of a communicable disease; contagion.con·ta·gi·um (kŏn-tā'jē-ŭm) The agent of an infectious disease. Synonym(s): contagion (1) . [L. a touching]contagium (kŏn-tā′jē-ŭm) [L.] The agent causing infection. |