

单词 cms
释义 DictionarySeecommand module



(programming)A code management system from DEC.


(1) See content management system and color management system.

(2) (Context Management Standard) Data retrieval uniformity in the healthcare field. See CCOW and healthcare IT.

(3) (Conversational Monitor System) A guest operating system that provides interactive communications for IBM's VM operating system. See CP/CMS and VM.

(4) (Call Management System) An AT&T call accounting package for its PBXs.

(5) (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) See healthcare IT.



Abbreviation for:
cardiomyopathy syndrome
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
children’s medical services
chorioamniotic membrane separation
chronic maxillary sinusitis
chronic mountain sickness
clinical management support (Medspeak-UK)
clinical management system
Community Midwifery Service (Medspeak-UK)
complement-mediated solubilisation
congenital mitral stenosis
congenital myasthenic syndromes
Content Management System, see there (Medspeak-UK)
contract management system (Medspeak-UK)


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, formerly HCFA, Health Care Financing Administration. See Managed care.


Abbreviation for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


CMSCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly HCFA)
CMSConversational Monitor System (IBM)
CMSCMS Energy (stock symbol)
CMSContent Management System
CMSCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (North Carolina)
CMSCanadian Mathematical Society
CMSCourse Management System
CMSCentral Management Services (Illinois)
CMSChildren's Medical Services
CMSComparative Media Studies
CMSContent Management Server (Microsoft)
CMSCase Management System
CMSChurch Missionary Society (Australia)
CMSChurch Mission Society (UK)
CMSConvention on Migratory Species (birds)
CMSCentral Middle School
CMSCollege Music Society
CMSConservation of Migratory Species
CMSCentral Management System (various companies)
CMSCentral Management Server (various companies)
CMSColor Management System
CMSConfiguration Management System
CMSCompact Muon Solenoid (experiment at the CERN physics laboratory)
CMSCharlotte Motor Speedway
CMSContent Management Service
CMSChicago Manual of Style (reference manual)
CMSCentimeters per Second (measurement)
CMSContract Management Software (software)
CMSCougar Mountain Software (Boise, ID)
CMSCollege of Management Studies (various locations)
CMSCable Management System (Bell'Oggetti)
CMSCorrectional Medical Services
CMSCall Management System (Avaya)
CMSCall Management System
CMSCryptographic Message Syntax (IETF / RFC 2630)
CMSCongestion Management System
CMSCentre Médico Social (French: Medical and Social Center)
CMSCommunications and Multimedia Security
CMSCollege of Marine Studies
CMSConstruction Métallique Saumuroise (French construction company)
CMSChange Management Specialist (certification)
CMSComputer Mail Services, Inc.
CMSColumbia Middle School (Logansport)
CMSConstruction Management and Supervision
CMSClaremont-Mudd-Scripps (California)
CMSCard Management System
CMSConference Management Software
CMSCommunications and Media Studies (various schools)
CMSCounty Medical Society (various locations)
CMSChicago Medical School
CMSCustomer Management System
CMSControl Management System
CMSCentre de Médecine du Sport (French: Sports Medicine Center; various locations)
CMSContact Management System (obsolete; now Technical Decision Support System)
CMSCash Management Services (banking)
CMSCrane Merchandising Systems (vending machines; South Carolina)
CMSComputational Molecular Science
CMSClient Management System
CMSCentral Monitoring Station (various companies)
CMSCultural and Media Studies (various schools)
CMSClay Minerals Society
CMSComputerized Monitoring System
CMSCapital Market Services (various companies)
CMSCommunity Music School (various locations)
CMSCrédit Mutuel du Sénégal (French; Senegalese bank)
CMSCode Management System (computing)
CMSCompliance Management Services (various organizations)
CMSConference Management System
CMSCrowley Marine Services (various locations)
CMSCertificate Management System
CMSCreative Music Studio (various locations)
CMSCytoplasmic Male Sterility
CMSCenter for Maritime Systems (Stevens Institute of Technology; New Jersey)
CMSCombinatorial Materials Science
CMSCenter-of-Mass System (physics)
CMSCardigan Mountain School (Canaan, NH)
CMSComputational Materials Science
CMSCentre for Mathematical Sciences (various locations)
CMSClustered Mailbox Server (software)
CMSCepstral Mean Subtraction (signal processing)
CMSCorrective Measures Study
CMSClustered Mailbox Server
CMSComputer Management System
CMSCisco Cluster Management Suite
CMSCryptographic Message Syntax
CMSCandle Management Server
CMSColor Matching System
CMSCentral Management Server
CMSConversational Monitor System
CMSCollision Mitigation System
CMSCode Management System
CMSContent Management Server
CMSContemporary Music Society (various locations)
CMSChangeable Message Sign
CMSCrew Management System (various organizations)
CMSCommunication and Media Solutions
CMSContract Management System
CMSCorrespondence Management System (software)
CMSCenter for Migration Studies
CMSChurch Management Software
CMSComposant Monté en Surface (French: Surface Mounted Component)
CMSCash Management System
CMSCall Management Server
CMSChange Management System
CMSCluster Management Software
CMSComposites Machines Systèmes (French industrial tool distributor)
CMSCore Management System (nuclear industry)
CMSContinuous Monitoring System
CMSClinical Management System (CHCS)
CMSChemical Management Services
CMSCareer Management System
CMSCondition Monitoring System
CMSCockpit Management System (US DoD)
CMSChemistry and Materials Science
CMSCertified Master Safecracker (National Safeman's Organization)
CMSCombat Management System
CMSCareer Magnet School (various schools)
CMSCentral Medical Stores
CMSCongenital Myasthenic Syndrome (inherited muscular disorder)
CMSCareer Management Skills
CMSCollege Music Symposium (Missoula, MT)
CMSCubic Meters per Second
CMSCivic Mission of Schools
CMSContent Management Specialist
CMSCertified Medical Secretary (Canada)
CMSCommunity Mediation Services
CMSContinuous Measurement System (videotaped behavior software)
CMSCenter for Molecular Science (various locations)
CMSCouncil on Medical Service
CMSCentre de Météorologie Spatiale (French: Meteorological Spatial Center)
CMSCompensation Management Specialist
CMSCivil and Mechanical Systems (division of NSF)
CMSCash Management Solutions
CMSClassic Motorcycle Supplies
CMSCampaign Management System (advertising)
CMSCooperative Middle School
CMSChief Master Sergeant (US Air Force; usually seen as CMSgt)
CMSChristians in the Mathematical Sciences (Judson University Christian College; Illinois)
CMSCarver Middle School
CMSCountry Montessori School (various locations)
CMSControl and Monitoring System
CMSChemical Management System
CMSCrisis Management System
CMSCommon Management Systems
CMSCompetency Management System (NASA)
CMSCommunication Maintenance Sécurité (French security system company)
CMSChurch Management System
CMSCinema and Media Studies
CMSCharlestown Middle School (Jeffersonville, IN)
CMSCommunications Management System
CMSComputer Management System (Unisys)
CMSCenter for Millennial Studies (Boston University; Boston, MA)
CMSCredit Management System (customer profiling)
CMSCourt Management System (software)
CMSCreative Media Services (Decatur, IL)
CMSCenter for Mathematical Studies (Northwestern University; Evanston, IL)
CMSCompetitive Marketing Services (various locations)
CMSComprehensive Medical Solutions (Florida)
CMSContainer Managed Security (software)
CMSCommercial Market Strategies
CMSCommonwealth Media Services (various organizations)
CMSCandidate Member States (EU)
CMSCenter for Computational Materials Science
CMSCarrier Monitoring System (telecommunications)
CMSCommunity Management Staff
CMSChurch Membership Software
CMSCollaborative Management System
CMSConference and Meeting Services (various organizations)
CMSCentre for Mountain Studies
CMSCollision Mitigation Brake System
CMSConversational Monitoring System
CMSConfiguration Management Specialist
CMSChinese Mathematical Society
CMSCenter for Multimodal Solutions (University of Florida)
CMSCarmel Middle School
CMSContent Managed Solution (websites)
CMSComputing and Media Services
CMSConcerned Member State (mutual recognition procedure for registration of medicines)
CMSCote Majorée de Sécurité (French: Increased Security Rating; nuclear power industry)
CMSComponent Maintenance Squadron
CMSCombat Mission Simulator
CMSCenter for Medieval Studies
CMSCommon Message Switch
CMSClinical Management Services
CMSContingency Mutual Support (US DoD)
CMSCompact Muon Spectrometer
CMSChief of the Maritime Staff (Canadian Forces)
CMSComputerized Medical Systems, Inc.
CMSConcept Mécano Soudure (French construction company)
CMSCollege of Metaphysical Studies
CMSCâmara Municipal de Setúbal (Portugal)
CMSCorps Mondial de Secours (French)
CMSCours de Mathématiques Spéciales (Switzerland)
CMSCoordinadora de Movimientos Sociales (Spanish: Coordinator of Social Movements, Ecuador)
CMSCompiler Monitor System
CMSCompound Mitre Saw
CMSComputer/Mathematical Sciences (various universities)
CMSChase Merchant Services
CMSCenter for Materials Science (LANL)
CMSCentral Maintenance System
CMSCambridge Monitor System (now Conversational Monitor System)
CMSCustom Mapping Service
CMSCentral Monitoring Service
CMSCity Magnet School (various locations)
CMSCustom Menu System (gaming)
CMSCustom Mixed Signal
CMSCurriculum Materials Service
CMSCrystal Mover Services, Inc. (Miami, FL)
CMSCoastal Management Fellowship
CMSCalibration Management System
CMSCorporate Marketing Services
CMSCountryside Management Scheme (UK)
CMSCommunications Security Material System
CMSCamden Middle School
CMSCourse Management Service
CMSCalifornia Microwave Systems (division of Northrop Grumman)
CMSCommunity Security Materiel System (US DoD)
CMSCoast Mountain Sports (sports equipment seller)
CMSClay Middle School
CMSCooper Middle School (Austell, Georgia)
CMSCupertino Middle School (Sunnyvale, California)
CMSCenter for Multidisciplinary Studies (various universities)
CMSCascade Mycological Society
CMSCircuit Maintenance System
CMSClub de Modélisme de Savigny le Temple (French radio controlled car club)
CMSCondensed Matter Science
CMSComponent Monitoring System
CMSCrowd Management Services (Starplex)
CMSCardiomyopathy Syndrome (salmon disease)
CMSConnection Management System
CMSCertificate Member Specialist (Refrigeration Service Engineers Society)
CMSCrystal Management Server
CMSCOMSEC Material System
CMSColorado Mycological Society (Denver, Colorado)
CMSClearCube Management Suite (ClearCube Technology)
CMSCalifornia Map Society
CMSContract Maintenance Services
CMSContainer Management Systems
CMSCertified Mortgage Specialist (real estate)
CMSCommack Middle School (Commack, NY)
CMSCâmara Municipal de Sesimbra (Portugese)
CMSCorporate Moving Systems
CMSConnector Microtooling Systems, Inc.
CMSCenter for Manufacturing Systems
CMSCenter for Metalloenzyme Studies
CMSChristian Missionary School
CMSCentralized Maintenance System (FAA)
CMSCarpenter Middle School (Plano, Texas)
CMSCosmopolitan Music Society (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
CMSCirculation, Motion, Sensation
CMS(Intelligence) Community Management Staff
CMSCommittee on Medical Sciences
CMSCommon Mapping Standard
CMSContract Master Schedule (project management)
CMSConstant Maturity Swap-linked
CMSChip Management System
CMSColectiva Mujer y Salud (Spanish: Women and Health Collective; Dominican Republic)
CMSCorporate Media Service
CMSCertified Mapping Scientist
CMSCommon Message Server (mirrored, redundant system)
CMSCoalition Mobility System (US Navy)
CMSCustom Manufacturing Service
CMSCentral Material Service
CMSCode Morphing System (Transmeta Corp.)
CMSCompletions Management System
CMSCommunications Management Series
CMSClose Medium Shot (cinematography)
CMSChancellor Middle School
CMSCommand Management Systems
CMSCarmelo Misionero Seglar (Secular Mission Carmel)
CMSCanadian Meteorological Service
CMSCatalyst Monitor Sensor
CMSCombat Mapping Squadron
CMSCommon Mapping System (USAF)
CMSCommunications Material Security
CMSControl Monitor System (Sprint)
CMSCertified Metrication Specialist (U.S. Metric Association, Inc.)
CMSControl and Monitor Subsystem
CMSCirculation Motor Sensory (medical exam/check)
CMSCruise Missile Submarine
CMSCrash Management System (automotive)
CMSCustody Management System (financial accounting system)
CMSContingency Management Services, Inc.
CMSCourse Mission Statement (Navy curriculum development)
CMSCommon Message Store (electronic messaging)
CMSCritical Military Skills
CMSCentury Mechanical Systems
CMSCerent Management System (Cisco)
CMSClearance Management System (US Army)
CMSClimate Modeling System
CMSComputing & Management Sciences
CMSCarbogenic Molecular Sieve
CMSConference Media Services Australia
CMSCorporate Manual System (Corporate Manual System)
CMSCircuit Multiplication System (ITU-T)
CMSCentrex Management Service
CMSCurrent-Mode Switching
CMSCombat Mobility Systems
CMSClassified Material Storage
CMSCenter for Multireligious Studies (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
CMSCombat Maintenance System
CMSCentury Marketing Solutions (Syracuse, New York)
CMSContractor Maintenance Support
CMSCurrent Medline Scanner
CMSCorrective Maintenance System
CMSCourt Martialled and Shot
CMSCall Management Signaling
CMSCentral Message System
CMSComplete Matched Set (philately)
CMSCompressed Media Solutions
CMSCalifornia Macadamia Society
CMSChamplain Maritime Society
CMSCDAF Matrix Switch
CMSConnect Messaging Service
CMSCohen Middle School
CMSCustomer Mobility Space
CMSChief Marine Surveyor
CMSClub Mamans Sportives
CMSConveyancing Marketing Services Limited (UK)
CMSCore Manufacturing System
CMSCruel Mythical Sword (Diablo 2 game)
CMSClayman Management Services
CMSControl and Management Segment
CMSCentralized Multi-Layer Scheduler
CMSCarnation Main Street (Disneyland restaurant California)
CMSCommunication Material System
CMSCenter for Media and Security, Ltd. (Millwood, NY)
CMSCommercial Material Specification
CMSCommand and Monitor System
CMSCruise Missile Seminar
CMSContraints Management Symposium
CMSConversion or Modernization Specifications
CMSComposite Multiplex Signal
CMSCryptomaterial Service
CMSCall Mover Service (telephone)
CMSCommon Manpower Standards
CMSCombined Maritime Services Limited
CMSConnect Media Services
CMSCrawford Music Services (Los Angeles, California)
CMSCustomer Maintenance Signal
CMSCerner Managed Services
CMSCapability Manpower Standard (Air Force Manpower Agency)
CMSCrossconnect Management System
CMSCardiology Monitoring System




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