Acronym | Definition |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Birds (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Father Charles Goes Down and Eats Breakfast (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fred Can Go Down and Eat Breakfast (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fried Chicken Goes Down Awfully Easy Baby (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Father Charles Goes Down and Ends Battle (mnemonic for Order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Funky Chickens Get Down at Every Barnyard (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Chicks Get Drunk at Every Bar (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Children Get Diabetes after Eating Bacon (music mnemonic) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Bagels (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Father Christmas Gave Dad An Electric Blanket (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Father Christmas Goes Down All Escalators Backward (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Bats (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Bananas (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cats Go Dancing And Eat Bologna (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Foxy Cheerleaders Get Dates After Every Ball Game (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fast Cars Go Down An Easy Boulevard (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Faulty Condoms Give Doreen An Easy Baby (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat College Girls Don't Always Eat Beans (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fried Chicken Goes Down Awfully Easy, Brother! (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cows Get Down and Eat Barley (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |
FCGDAEB➣Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Bread (mnemonic for order of sharps in music) |