extradural hemorrhage

ex·tra·du·ral hem·or·rhage

extravasation of blood between the skull and the dura mater. Synonym(s): epidural hematoma

extradural hemorrhage

Epidural hemorrhage Neurology Hemorrhage into the extradural space, which is a potentially fatal result of head trauma; it may be accompanied by herniation of the uncal gyri. Cf Subdural hemorrhage. Cf Subdural hemorrhage.

ex·tra·du·ral hem·or·rhage

(eks'tră-dūr'ăl hem'ŏr-ăj) An accumulation of blood between the skull and the dura mater.
Synonym(s): epidural hematoma, extradural haemorrhage.

ex·tra·du·ral hem·or·rhage

(eks'tră-dūr'ăl hem'ŏr-ăj) Extravasation of blood between cranium and dura mater.
Synonym(s): extradural haemorrhage.