Acronym | Definition |
FCI➣First Customer Impact (various companies) |
FCI➣Food Corporation of India |
FCI➣Fédération Cynologique Internationale (French: World Canine Organisation, Belgium) |
FCI➣Federal Correctional Institution |
FCI➣Family Care International |
FCI➣Federazione Ciclistica Italiana (Italian Cycling Federation) |
FCI➣French Culinary Institute |
FCI➣Faculty of Computers and Information (Egypt) |
FCI➣Fujairah Cement Industries (United Arab Emirates) |
FCI➣Florida Climate Institute (Gainesville, FL) |
FCI➣Forum on the Construction Industry (American Bar Association) |
FCI➣Factors Chain International (est. 1968) |
FCI➣Fisher Controls International (McKinney, TX) |
FCI➣File Classification Infrastructure (Microsoft) |
FCI➣Framatome Connectors International (France) |
FCI➣Frame Copied Indicator |
FCI➣Flow Control Indicator |
FCI➣Facility Condition Index |
FCI➣Fondation Canadienne pour l'Innovation (Canadian Foundation for Innovation) |
FCI➣Food Chain Information (UK slaughterhouse standards) |
FCI➣Far Cry Instincts (gaming) |
FCI➣France Chirurgie Instrumentation (French: France Surgery Instrumentation) |
FCI➣Foreign CounterIntelligence |
FCI➣Femmes contre les Intégrismes (French: Women against Fundamentalism) |
FCI➣Fédération des Centres d'Insertion (French organization integration association) |
FCI➣Flux Changes per Inch |
FCI➣France Cargo International (France; est. 1989) |
FCI➣Fertilizer Corporation of India |
FCI➣Freedom Communications, Inc. (Irvine, CA) |
FCI➣Full Configuration Interaction |
FCI➣Fixed Capital Investment |
FCI➣Financial Conditions Index |
FCI➣France Expertise Internationale (France) |
FCI➣Fluid Controls Institute |
FCI➣Futureway Communications, Inc. (now FCI Broadband, Inc.; Canada) |
FCI➣Fritz Companies, Inc. (San Francisco, CA) |
FCI➣Florida Career Institute (now Fortis Institute) |
FCI➣Façade et Couverture Industrielle (French: Facade and Industrial Coverage) |
FCI➣Foncier Conseil Immobilier (French: Real Estate Land Board) |
FCI➣Fuel-Coolant Interaction (vapor explosion) |
FCI➣Finance Conseil Investissement (French: Finance Investment Council) |
FCI➣Fichier Central Immobilier (French real estate company) |
FCI➣Food Craft Institute (Pune, India) |
FCI➣Fibre Channel Interface |
FCI➣Functional Configuration Identification |
FCI➣Fan Circle International (est. 1975) |
FCI➣Forward Call Indicator |
FCI➣Family Centers, Inc. (Connecticut) |
FCI➣Franche-Comté Interactive (French computer professionals association) |
FCI➣Frame Copied Indicator (Mac/Token Ring) |
FCI➣Frontier Consulting, Inc. (Houston, TX) |
FCI➣Faulted Circuit Indicator |
FCI➣Forward Cache Identifier (Catnip) |
FCI➣Full-Color Illustrations (publishing) |
FCI➣Florida Certified Investigator |
FCI➣Formula Consultants, Inc. |
FCI➣Fire Control Instrument |
FCI➣Flow Control Indicator (DLSW) |
FCI➣Foyer Conseil Immobilier (French: Home Real Estate Board) |
FCI➣Financements Conseils en Immobilier (French: Tips on Real Estate Financing) |
FCI➣France Cooperation International |
FCI➣Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. (various locations) |
FCI➣Furnish Charging Information (sent from SCP to SSP to control CDR generation) |
FCI➣First Carolina Investors, Inc. (former stock symbol; now FCAR) |
FCI➣Flight Crew Integration |
FCI➣Flight Control Integration |
FCI➣Fundación Centroamericana Por La Integración (Spanish: Central American Foundation for Integration) |
FCI➣Ferrocarril Interoceanico (Interoceanic Railroad, Mexico) |
FCI➣Fuel Contamination Indicator |
FCI➣Fédération des Coordinations Infirmières |
FCI➣Friends of the Ceeli Institute (Washington, DC) |
FCI➣Frozen Cow Industries (forum) |
FCI➣Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corporation |
FCI➣Flight Crew Instruction |
FCI➣Fire Control Information |
FCI➣Floridians for Constitutional Integrity (Gainesville, FL, USA) |
FCI➣Failed Customer Interaction (various companies) |