focal epithelial hyperplasia

fo·cal ep·i·the·li·al hy·per·pla·si·a

multiple soft nodular lesions of the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue, and other oral sites in children and adolescents; lesions spontaneously regress after a period of several months, and have been attributed to papovaviruses. Synonym(s): Heck disease


John W., U.S. dentist, 1923–. Heck disease - multiple soft nodular lesions of the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue, and other oral sites in children and adolescents. Synonym(s): focal epithelial hyperplasia

fo·cal ep·i·the·li·al hy·per·pla·si·a

(fōkăl epi-thēlē-ăl hīpĕr-plāzē-ă) Multiple soft nodular lesions of the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue, and other oral sites in children and adolescents.