


A0283100 (ăn′ə-tās′, -tāz′)n. A rare blue or light yellow to brown crystalline mineral, the rarest of three forms of titanium dioxide, TiO2, used as a pigment, especially in paint.
[French, from Greek anatasis, extension (from its long crystals), from anateinein, anata-, to extend : ana-, ana- + teinein, to stretch; see ten- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈænəˌteɪz) n (Minerals) a rare blue or black mineral that consists of titanium oxide in tetragonal crystalline form and occurs in veins in igneous rocks. Formula: TiO2. Also called: octahedrite [C19: from French, from Greek anatasis an extending (referring to the length of the crystals), from anateinein to stretch out]


(ˈæn əˌteɪs, -ˌteɪz)

n. a naturally occurring crystalline form of titanium dioxide, TiO2. [1835–45; < French < Greek anátasis extension, derivative (with -sis -sis) of anateínein to extend (ana- ana- + teínein to stretch)]