cephalic replacement

cephalic replacement

in cases of shoulder dystocia when vaginal delivery cannot be effected, the fetal head is flexed and reinserted into the vagina to reestablish umbilical cord blood flow and delivery performed through cesarean section. Synonym(s): Zavanelli maneuver

ce·phal·ic re·place·ment

(sĕ-fal'ik rĕ-plās'mĕnt) In cases of shoulder dystocia when vaginal delivery cannot be effected, the fetal head is flexed and reinserted into the vagina to reestablish umbilical cord blood flow and delivery performed through cesarean operation.
Synonym(s): Zavanelli maneuver.


William, 20th century U.S. obstetrician. Zavanelli maneuver - Synonym(s): cephalic replacement