Acronym | Definition |
CNCC➣Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (French: National Company of Statutory Auditors) |
CNCC➣Colorado Northwestern Community College |
CNCC➣Conseil National des Chargeurs du Cameroun (French: National Shippers' Council of Cameroon; Douala, Cameroon) |
CNCC➣Centre National du Cuir et de La Chaussure (French: National Center for Leather and Footwear; Tunisia; est. 1969) |
CNCC➣Conseil National des Centres Commerciaux |
CNCC➣Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (official document; various locations) |
CNCC➣Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context (EUROCORES programme) |
CNCC➣Council of Northern Caving Clubs |
CNCC➣Customer Network Control Center |
CNCC➣Color Name Combination Center |
CNCC➣Consolidated Network Control Center |
CNCC➣Certified Nurse in Critical Care (healthcare) |
CNCC➣California Natural Coordinating Council (environment) |
CNCC➣Check Node Constituent Channel |