Evlampii Dunaev
Dunaev, Evlampii Aleksandrovich
(party pseudonyms: Aleksandr, Diadia [Uncle]). Born Sept. 27, 1877, in the village of Lezhnevo, in present-day Ivanovo Oblast; died Mar. 14, 1919, in Nizhny Novgorod, now Gorky. A revolutionary. Joined the RSDLP in 1898 and became a Bolshevik in 1905. The son of a peasant.
In 1894, Dunaev began to work in a weaving factory in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. He was arrested in 1899 and was detained for one year in the St. Petersburg prison Kresty. He was a member of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk committee of the RSDLP and a member of the soviet workers’ deputies in 1905. In 1906, Dunaev was a delegate from the Moscow organization to the Fourth Congress of the RSDLP. He was arrested in 1907 and exiled to Sol’vychegodsk. Returning from exile in 1909, he worked first in St. Petersburg and then in Moscow. In October 1911 he was exiled to Nizhny Novgorod. He returned to St. Petersburg in February 1914 and led party work in the Bureau for the Supply of Illegal Literature From Abroad. He was arrested in 1916 and sent to the military unit in Shadrinsk, but he escaped to Nizhny Novgorod, where he actively participated in the February Revolution of 1917. He was assistant chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod soviet in 1917 and a member of its presidium, as well as being a Bolshevik member of the municipal duma. After the October Revolution, Dunaev worked in the provincial provisioning committee and in the province’s Council of the Economy.