

单词 cni



Coalition for Networked Information


(1) (Certified NetWare Instructor) See Novell certification.

(2) (Coalition for Networked Information, Washington, DC, www.cni.org) A partnership of the Association of Research Libraries, CAUSE and EDUCOM, founded in 1990. CAUSE and EDUCOM later merged and continued their work as EDUCAUSE. Its mission is to advance education and intellectual productivity by the use of high-performance networks and computers.
MedicalSeechronically neurologically impaired


CNICentro Nacional de Inteligencia (Madrid, Spain)
CNICentre National de l'Informatique (French: National Informatics Center; Tunisia)
CNIConfederação Nacional da Indústria (Brazil)
CNICalcineurin Inhibitor
CNICoalition for Networked Information
CNICritical National Infrastructure
CNICertificate of No Impediment (marriages abroad)
CNICarte Nationale d'Identité (French: National Identity Card)
CNICare of Nonce Index
CNIChange Number Intercept
CNICalling Name Identification
CNICeský Normalizacní Institut (Czech: Czech Standards Institute)
CNICertified Novell Instructor
CNIComic News Insider
CNICorporate Net Income (taxes)
CNICongreso Nacional Indígena (Spanish: Indian National Congress)
CNICarbon Nanotechnologies, Inc. (now Unidym; Menlo Park, CA)
CNICalling Number Identification
CNICommon Network Interface
CNICentral Nacional de Informaciones (Spanish: National Information Center; Chile)
CNIContribution to Net Income
CNIConstruction of New Infrastructure (various locations)
CNICulture Northern Ireland (UK)
CNIChickasaw Nation Industries, Inc. (Norman, OK)
CNICommunity Nutrition Institute
CNICentral Newspapers, Inc. (various locations)
CNICenter for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging (Stanford University)
CNICommander Naval Installations
CNICentral Nacional de Inteligencia (Chile)
CNICertified NetWare Instructor
CNIComputing and Networking Infrastructure (various organizations)
CNIChildren's Nature Institute (Beverly Hills, CA)
CNIComputer News and Information (Internet radio station)
CNICash Net Income (accounting)
CNICommunication, Navigation & Identification ( avionics system in advanced military fighters)
CNICaregiver Network Inc. (Canada)
CNICentury-National Insurance (various locations)
CNICoordination Nationale Infirmière
CNICenter for Networked Information
CNINational Ittihadi Congress Party (Morocco)
CNICitizens Committee for Nuclear Information
CNICommunity Networks, Inc.
CNIChemical News and Intelligence (industry database)
CNICarbon Neutral Initiative (various locations)
CNICountry and Network Identification
CNIChanged Number Interception
CNICoalition Network Initiative
CNICentralized Noise Injection
CNICustomer Network Implementation
CNIConsolidated Networks Incorporated
CNICable Network Incorporated
CNICommunications Network Interface, Inc. (Korea)




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