Acronym | Definition |
CNP➣Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance (French: National Provident Fund; insurance company) |
CNP➣CenterPoint Energy (Houston, TX) |
CNP➣Cod Numeric Personal (Romanian identity card) |
CNP➣Care Nurse Practitioner |
CNP➣Child Nutrition Program |
CNP➣Classification Nationale des Professions (Canada) |
CNP➣Campaign for National Parks (UK) |
CNP➣Card-Not-Present (internet credit card transactions) |
CNP➣Clonazepam |
CNP➣Council for National Policy |
CNP➣Chitwan National Park (Nepal) |
CNP➣Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (Spain's national police force) |
CNP➣Complete No Package |
CNP➣Corporate Network Products |
CNP➣Campus Network Programmers |
CNP➣Certified Nonprofit Professional (credential) |
CNP➣Carbon Nanoparticle (lymph node tracer) |
CNP➣C-Type Natriuretic Peptide |
CNP➣Clinical Nurse Specialist |
CNP➣Certified Nurse Practitioner |
CNP➣Chief of Naval Personnel |
CNP➣Centro Properties Group (Australia) |
CNP➣Customer Not Present (credit cards) |
CNP➣Centre National de Préhistoire (French: National Prehistory Center; est. 1978) |
CNP➣Consejo Nacional de Produccion (Spanish: National Production Council, Costa Rica) |
CNP➣Center for National Policy (USA) |
CNP➣Council for National Parks (UK) |
CNP➣Controlled Negative Pressure |
CNP➣Cardholder Not Present (credit card transaction) |
CNP➣Cut and Paste |
CNP➣Center for Non-Profits (various locations) |
CNP➣Certified Network Professional |
CNP➣Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy |
CNP➣Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Indiana Michigan Power Company) |
CNP➣Cairngorms National Park (Scotland) |
CNP➣Chinese New Party (Taiwan, ROC) |
CNP➣Cellular Networking Perspectives |
CNP➣Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout (Canada) |
CNP➣California Newspaper Project |
CNP➣Conseil National du Patronat du Sénégal |
CNP➣Conseil National du Peuplier (French: National Poplar Council) |
CNP➣Centro Nacional de Productividad (Colombia) |
CNP➣Coil Near Plug (automobile ignition system) |
CNP➣Canyonlands National Park |
CNP➣Connectionless Network Protocol (OSI) |
CNP➣Continuous Negative Pressure |
CNP➣Cannot Process |
CNP➣Certified Nutritional Practitioner (Institute of Holistic Nutrition; Canada) |
CNP➣Canadian Niagara Power |
CNP➣Constructions Nancéiennes de Pesage (French construction equipment company) |
CNP➣Collaborative Nursing Program |
CNP➣Corbett National Park (India) |
CNP➣Chronic Nonmalignant Pain |
CNP➣Command Navigation Program (fictional, Battlestar Galactica) |
CNP➣Cascadian National Party |
CNP➣College Now Program (University of Massachusettes Dartmouth; North Dartmouth, MA) |
CNP➣Canadian Naturopathic Foundation |
CNP➣Continued Next Post |
CNP➣Covenant Network of Presbyterians (San Francisco, CA) |
CNP➣Community Nutrition Promoter (Bangladesh) |
CNP➣Club Nautique de Pornic |
CNP➣Connection-Not-Possible signal |
CNP➣Comcast Network Philadelphia (TV channel) |
CNP➣Counter Narcotics Program |
CNP➣Council of Nurse Practitioners |
CNP➣Consejo Nacional de Prensa (Guatemalan Journalist Association) |
CNP➣Connection Negotiation Protocol |
CNP➣Columbian National Police |
CNP➣Chemistry of Natural Products |
CNP➣Constructivist Narrative Perspective (psychology) |
CNP➣Coalition for Namespace Purity (humor) |
CNP➣Classic Not Plastic (vintage scooter rally) |
CNP➣Chocolate Noise Party (band) |
CNP➣Certified Notary Public |
CNP➣Corporate Network Product |
CNP➣Communications, Navigation, and Positioning |
CNP➣Cometary Nucleus Penetrator |
CNP➣Candidate Nomination Proposal |
CNP➣Covered in the Next Post (chat abbreviation) |
CNP➣Customer Net Price |
CNP➣Closed Not Paid (insurance) |
CNP➣Coupon Next to Product |