Acronym | Definition |
CNR➣Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian National Research Council) |
CNR➣Canadian National Railway |
CNR➣Contrast-to-Noise Ratio |
CNR➣College of Natural Resources |
CNR➣Conseil National de la Résistance (French: National Council of Resistance) |
CNR➣Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (French engineering company) |
CNR➣College of New Rochelle |
CNR➣Carrier-To-Noise Ratio (fiber quality measuring) |
CNR➣Carrier to Noise Ratio |
CNR➣Charles Nelson Reilly (actor) |
CNR➣Center for Nursing Research (various schools) |
CNR➣Ceska Narodni Rada (Czech: Czech National Council) |
CNR➣Cisco Network Registrar |
CNR➣Chief of Naval Research |
CNR➣Conservatoire National de Région (French: National Regional Conservatory) |
CNR➣Combat Net Radio |
CNR➣Centre National de Ressources (French: National Resource Center) |
CNR➣China National Radio |
CNR➣Comité National Routier (French: National Road Committee) |
CNR➣Colour Noise Reduction |
CNR➣Channel Number |
CNR➣Communications Networking Riser |
CNR➣Complex Node Representation |
CNR➣Click and Run |
CNR➣Centre National de Référence (French: National Reference Center) |
CNR➣Clinical Nursing Research (journal) |
CNR➣Centre National de Rugby (French: National Rugby Center) |
CNR➣Cercle National du Recyclage (French: National Recycling Circle; est. 1985) |
CNR➣Communication Network Riser |
CNR➣Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche |
CNR➣Corporation for National Research |
CNR➣Centre for Narrative Research (UK) |
CNR➣Cops and Robbers (gaming clan) |
CNR➣Centre for Neuroscience Research |
CNR➣Consejo Nacional de Reconciliación (Spanish: National Reconciliation Council) |
CNR➣Communication & Networking Riser |
CNR➣Committee for Nuclear Responsibility (San Francisco, CA) |
CNR➣Communications / Network Riser |
CNR➣Center for Nutritional Research |
CNR➣Could Not Resist |
CNR➣Committee on Natural Resources |
CNR➣Centre for Neurodegeneration Research (King's College London; UK) |
CNR➣Center for Neurological Restoration (Cleveland Clinic) |
CNR➣Currency Non-Resident (financial account) |
CNR➣Composite Noise Rating |
CNR➣C-Type Noise Reduction (Dolby cassette technology) |
CNR➣Compagnie Normande de Réfrigération (French: Normandy Refrigeration Company; Guichainville, Normandy, France) |
CNR➣Cell Nucleus Replacement |
CNR➣Cercle des Nageurs Riomois (French swim club) |
CNR➣Center for Narcolepsy Research |
CNR➣Customer Not Ready |
CNR➣Computer and Network Repair (Georgia) |
CNR➣Centre for Neurotranslational Research (Canada) |
CNR➣Complex Node Representation (ATM Forum, PNNI SWG) |
CNR➣Clutter to Noise Ratio |
CNR➣Charterers Not Reported (shipping) |
CNR➣Complex Natural Resonance |
CNR➣Calibration Not Required |
CNR➣Can Not Reproduce |
CNR➣Customer Net Revenue |
CNR➣Center for Nonprofit Resources (Ohio) |
CNR➣Customized Network Routing |
CNR➣Carboxy Nitroso Rubber |
CNR➣Certificate of No Records |
CNR➣Composite Noise Ratio |
CNR➣Conventional Nuclear Weapons |
CNR➣Cross-Namespace Redirect (Wikimedia Foundation) |
CNR➣Critical Node Recognizer |