cercopithecrine herpesvirus

cercopithecrine herpesvirus

an herpesvirus, in the family Herpesviridae, affecting Old World monkeys, which is very similar morphologically to herpes simplex virus; fatal infection may occur in humans following the bite of an infected monkey, although other modes of transmission have also been documented. Synonym(s): B virus, monkey B virus

cer·co·pith·e·crine her·pes·virus

(ser'kō-pith'ĕ-krēn hĕr'pēz-vī-rŭs) A herpesvirus, in the family Herpesviridae, affecting Old World monkeys, which is very similar morphologically to herpes simplex virus; fatal infection may occur in humans following the bite of an infected monkey, although other modes of transmission have also been documented.