cubitus varus


 [ku´bĭ-tus] 1. elbow.2. the entire upper limb distal to the humerus, including elbow, forearm, and hand.3. ulna. adj., adj cu´bital.cubitus val€´gus deformity of the elbow in which it deviates away from the midline of the body when extended.cubitus va´rus deformity of the elbow in which it deviates toward the midline of the body when extended.

cu·bi·tus va'·rus

deviation of the extended forearm to the inward (ulnar) side of the axis of the limb.
A reversal of the arm’s carrying angle, resulting from
(1) Inadequate correction of the medial angulation of the distal fragment of a supracondylar fracture of the humerus or
(2) Stimulation of lateral condylar epiphyseal proliferation from the fracture itself—even when the fracture has not been displaced—resulting in a cosmetic, but not functional, deformity

cu·bi·tus va·rus

(kyū'bi-tŭs vā'rŭs) Deviation of the extended forearm to the inward (ulnar) side of the axis of the limb.