cerebellopontine angle

cer·e·bel·lo·pon·tine an·gle

the angle formed at the junction of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla; the most common tumor found in this location is the vestibular schwannona, sometimes referred to as acoustic neuroma. Synonym(s): angulus pontocerebellaris [TA], cerebellopontile angle, pontine angle, pontocerebellar recess

cer·e·bel·lo·pon·tine an·gle

(serĕ-belō-pontēn anggĕl) The recess at the junction of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla.
Synonym(s): angulus pontocerebellaris [TA] .

cerebellopontine angle

The angle formed by the junction of the cerebellum and the pons. Synonym: pontine angleSee also: angle

cer·e·bel·lo·pon·tine an·gle

(serĕ-belō-pontēn anggĕl) Angle formed at junction of cerebellum, pons, and medulla.