

单词 bdt



The ISO 4217 currency code for Bangladeshi Taka currency.


ISO 4217 code for the Bangladeshi taka. It was introduced in 1972, replacing the Pakistani rupee at a 1:1 ratio. It has historically been a weak currency.


BDTBangladesh Taka (ISO currency code)
BDTTaka (currency of Bangladesh)
BDTTelecommunication Development Bureau
BDTBradenton (Amtrak station code; Bradenton, FL)
BDTBasic Design and Technology
BDTBasic Data Types
BDTBusiness Data Toolset
BDTBulk Data Transfer
BDTBasic Data Transfer
BDTBit Data Type
BDTBranch Decrement on Condition True
BDTBusiness Data Types
BDTBase de Dados Tropical (Tropical Data Base)
BDTBest Demonstrated Technology
BDTBusiness Driven Technology
BDTBallistic Deflection Transistor
BDTBusiness Development Team
BDTBone Dry Ton (biomass fuel requirements)
BDTBulk Data Transfer (IBM)
BDTBritish Summer Time (UTC+1h)
BDTBrittle-Ductile Transition
BDTBusiness Design Team
BDTBüro Und Datentechnik (German)
BDTBons du Trésor (French: Treasury Bills)
BDTBureau de Développement des Télécommunications (French: Telecommunication Development Bureau)
BDTBangkok Day Tours (Bangkok, Thailand)
BDTBilling Data Transmitter
BDTBoy's Drill Team
BDTBritish Dependent Territories
BDTBagimsiz Devletler Toplulugu (Turkish: Commonwealth of Independent States)
BDTGbadolite, Zaire (airport code)
BDTBill Data Tape
BDTBerkeley Design Technology, Inc.
BDTBulk Dielectric Transducer (wastewater monitoring)
BDTBenecio del Toro (actor)
BDTBroadband Digital Terminal (Next Level)
BDTBlock Data Transfer
BDTBirmingham Dance Theatre (Alabama)
BDTBerufsverband Deutscher Tanzlehrer eV (Germany)
BDTBase Development Team
BDTBillet de Trésorerie (French: short term government debt)
BDTBattle Director Technician
BDTBuilder's Dock Trials
BDTBefore Dividend and Tax
BDTBelt Drive Turbo (turbo version of Ford BD series of engines)
BDT'Bout Damn Time
BDTBomb Disposal Technician
BDTBimetallic Dial Thermometer
BDTBundesverband Deutsche Discotheken und Tanzcafe (German: German Federal Association of Discotheques and Dance Cafes)
BDTBlumlein Difference Technique (recording technique)
BDTBureau des Doctorants de Télécom (French: Doctoral Telecom Office; Paris Institute of Technology)
BDTBurst Departure Time
BDTBurst Delay Tolerance
BDTBridge Delay Time
BDTBad Decision Thursday
BDTBasic Dance Training (dance camp)




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