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co-pref.1. Together; joint; jointly; mutually: coeducation.2. a. Partner or associate in an activity: coauthor; cofounder.b. Subordinate or assistant: copilot.3. To the same extent or degree: coextensive.4. Complement of an angle: cotangent. [Middle English, from Latin, variant of com-, com-.]co- prefix 1. together; joint or jointly; mutual or mutually: coproduction. 2. indicating partnership or equality: cofounder; copilot. 3. to the same or a similar degree: coextend. 4. (Mathematics) (in mathematics and astronomy) of the complement of an angle: cosecant; codeclination. 5. (Astronomy) (in mathematics and astronomy) of the complement of an angle: cosecant; codeclination. [from Latin, reduced form of com-]CO 1. Colorado. 2. Commanding Officer. 3. conscientious objector. Co Chem. Symbol. cobalt. co- var. of com- before a vowel, h, and gn: coalesce; cohere; cognate. The prefix co-, with the sense “joint, jointly,” now forms new words from bases beginning with any sound (cochair; cogeneration; costar; coworker), sometimes with the derived sense “auxiliary” (coenzyme; copilot), and, in mathematics and astronomy, with the sense “complement” (codeclination). Co. or co., 1. Company. 2. County. C/O certificate of origin. C/o or c/o, care of. C.O. 1. Commanding Officer. 2. conscientious objector. c.o. 1. care of. 2. carried over. Translationsco- (kou) prefix1. joint or working etc together, as in co-author. 表示「聯合」、「共同」 表示"联合"、"共同"2. with or together, as in co-exist. 表示「一起」 表示"一起"EncyclopediaSeecoco-
con- (kon), With, together, in association; appears as com- before p, b, or m, as col- before l, and as co- before a vowel; corresponds to G. syn-. [L. cum, with, together] con- Prefix meaning with, together, in association; appears as com- before p, b, or m; as col- before l; and as co- before a vowel; corresponds to G. syn-. [L. cum, with, together]co- Prefix signifying with, together, jointly.FinancialSeeCO |