cerebral hypoxia

cerebral hypoxia

↓ O2 in brain; depending on the duration and severity, Sx range from mild–eg, lethargy to serious neurologic damage–eg, coma, seizures, death

cerebral hypoxia

Lack of oxygen supply to the brain, usually as a result of either diminished blood flow (such as in traumatic childbirth or cardiopulmonary arrest) or diminished oxygenation of the blood (such as in high-altitude exposures or patients with advanced cardiopulmonary disease). If nothing is done to treat this condition, irreversible anoxic damage to the brain begins after 4 to 6 min and sooner in some cases. If basic resuscitation measures are begun before the end of this period, the onset of cerebral death may be postponed. See: cardiopulmonary resuscitationSee also: hypoxia