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emergency medical technician
emergency medical techniciann. Abbr. EMT A person trained and certified to appraise and initiate the administration of emergency care for victims of trauma or acute illness before or during transportation of the victims to a health care facility via ambulance or aircraft.emergency medical technician n (Medicine) US a member of the emergency services who is trained to provide basic emergency medical care before a patient is taken to a hospital. Abbreviation: EMT emer′gency med′ical techni`cian n. See EMT. EncyclopediaSeeemergencyemergency medical technician
emergency [e-mer´jen-se] an unlooked for or sudden occurrence, often dangerous, such as an accident or an urgent or pressing need.emergency department an area of a hospital especially equipped and staffed for care" >emergency care. Popularly called emergency room.emergency medical technician (EMT) a provider of care" >emergency care (health care at the basic life support level); this may include spinal immobilization, administration of oxygen, and control of bleeding. In some states there are modular training programs where an EMT can add skills to the basic level.emergency medical techniciann. Abbr. EMT A person trained and certified to appraise and initiate the administration of emergency care for victims of trauma or acute illness before or during transportation of the victims to a health care facility via ambulance or aircraft.pre·hos·pi·tal pro·vid·er (prē-hos'pi-tăl prŏ-vī'dĕr) One who provides care in case of medical emergency or trauma. Synonym(s): emergency medical technician, paramedic. AcronymsSeeefficient market theory |