bursa of tendo calcaneus

bur·sa of ten·do cal·ca·'ne·us

[TA] bursa between the tendo calcaneus and the superior part of the posterior surface of the calcaneum. Synonym(s): bursa tendinis calcanei [TA], bursa of calcaneal tendon ☆ , retrocalcaneal bursa ☆ , Achilles bursa, bursa Achillis

bur·sa of ten·do cal·ca·ne·us

(bŭr'să ten'dō kal-kā'nē-ŭs) Bursa between the tendo calcaneus and the upper part of the posterior surface of the calcaneum.
Synonym(s): retrocalcaneal bursa.


mythical Greek warrior who was vulnerable only in the heel. Achilles bursa - bursa between the tendo calcaneus and the upper part of the posterior surface of the calcaneum. Synonym(s): bursa of tendo calcaneusAchilles reflex - a contraction of the calf muscles when the tendo calcaneus is sharply struck. Synonym(s): ankle jerk; ankle reflex; tendo Achillis reflex; triceps surae reflexAchilles tendon - the tendon of insertion of the triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) into the tuberosity of the calcaneus. Synonym(s): tendo calcaneus