Acronym | Definition |
EFB➣Electronic Flight Bag (aircraft/crew computing device) |
EFB➣European Federation of Biotechnology |
EFB➣Embedded Frame Buffer |
EFB➣Electronic Field Book |
EFB➣English for Business |
EFB➣Environmental and Forest Biology (New York) |
EFB➣Empty Fruit Bunches |
EFB➣École Française du Béton (French: French School of Construction) |
EFB➣École Française de Badminton (French: French School of Badminton) |
EFB➣Étoile Filante Bastiaise (French sports club) |
EFB➣Éditions Francine Breton (French publishing company) |
EFB➣Emergency Food Box (various locations) |
EFB➣École Française Bilingue (French: Bilingual French School) |
EFB➣Ecole de Formation du Barreau (France) |
EFB➣Esbjerg Forenede Boldklubber (Esbjerg, Denmark soccer club) |
EFB➣Eggs for Bart (Simpsons parody game) |
EFB➣Electronic Field Book (computer program or hardware used to collect various data for submission to off-line data processors) |
EFB➣Enfants de France Bergerac (French: Children of Bergerac, France) |
EFB➣Entrepôt Frigorifique de Bressuire (French cold storage business) |
EFB➣Electronic Fundgrube Braunschweig (German: Electronic Treasure Trove Brunswick) |
EFB➣Enfants des Favelas Brésil (French: Children of Favelas, Brazil) |
EFB➣Entraide Féminine Burkinabé (French: Mutual Burkinabe Women; Burkina Faso) |
EFB➣Environment and Food Bureau (Hong Kong) |
EFB➣Export and Finance Bank (Jordan) |
EFB➣Enhanced Fixed Bias (amplifiers) |
EFB➣Effective Fringe Benefits (accounting/payroll) |
EFB➣EDAC & Format Buffer |