Acronym | Definition |
FKA➣Formerly Known As |
FKA➣Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen MbH Aachen (German: Society of Automotive Engineering Aachen GmbH) |
FKA➣Foreign Key Attribute |
FKA➣Foreign Key Attribute (relational databases) |
FKA➣Forme Kombat Académie (French boxing school) |
FKA➣Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (Swedish energy company) |
FKA➣Failed to Keep Appointment (healthcare) |
FKA➣Finistère Kite Attitude (French kiteboarding association) |
FKA➣Forever Known As |
FKA➣Futurely Known As |
FKA➣Full Keyboard Access |
FKA➣Florida Karting Association |
FKA➣Fahrkartenausgabe (German railway) |
FKA➣Finnish Kendo Association |
FKA➣Florida Kitesurfing Association, Inc. |
FKA➣Ford Kinter & Associates Pty Ltd (Australia) |
FKA➣Flying Kiwi Angels Limited (investing; New Zealand) |
FKA➣Filharmonisk Kor Aalborg (Danish philharmonic choir) |
FKA➣Fat Kids of America (website) |