

单词 certainty



C0214100 (sûr′tn-tē)n. pl. cer·tain·ties 1. The fact, quality, or state of being certain, especially: a. Inevitability: the certainty of death.b. The quality of being established as true: the certainty that the earth orbits the sun.c. Confidence; assurance: his certainty that things would get better.2. Something that is clearly established or assured: "On the field of battle there are no certainties" (Tom Clancy).


(ˈsɜːtəntɪ) n, pl -ties1. the condition of being certain2. something established as certain or inevitable3. for a certainty without doubt


(ˈsɜr tn ti)

n., pl. -ties. 1. the state of being certain. 2. something certain; an assured fact. [1250–1300; Middle English < Anglo-French]


  1. Absolute as a miser’s greed —Anon
  2. An absolute, like the firmness of the earth —Tom Wolfe
  3. Almost as predictable as the arrival of solstice and equinox —Russell Baker, New York Times/Observer, September 17, 1986

    Baker’s comparison referred to Chief-Justice-to-be William Rehnquist’s judicial opinions.

  4. As certain as a gun —Samuel Butler
  5. As certain as beach traffic in July —Anon
  6. As certain as bodies moved with greater impulse, progress more rapidly than those moved with less —Voltaire
  7. As certain as death and taxes —Daniel Defoe

    Often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the simile continues to be popular, with many humorous twists such as “Certain as death and hay-fever,” used in Philip Barry’s 1923 play, You and I.

  8. As certain as dye penetrates cotton —Daniela Gioseffi

    The simile, from a poem, continues with “The orange is a part of the living animal.”

  9. As certain as end-of-the season inventories —Anon
  10. As certain as June graduates scanning the want ads —Anon
  11. As certain as leaves falling in September —Anon
  12. As certain as lines at return counters after Christmas —Anon
  13. As certain as rise of taxi meter —Anon
  14. As certain as that a crooked tree will have a crooked shadow —Anon
  15. As certain as that bread crumbs will attract a flock of pigeons —Anon
  16. As certain as that leaves will fall in autumn —Anon
  17. As certain as that night succeeds the day —George Washington
  18. As certain as that your shadow will follow you —Anon
  19. As certain as the morning —Thomas Wolfe
  20. As certain as the sunrise —Anon
  21. As certain as thunderclap following lightning —Anon
  22. As certain as wrinkles —Anon
  23. As certainly as day follows day —Anon
  24. As certainly as Segovia had been born to finger a fretboard or Willie Mays to swing a bat —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  25. As inevitable as a dog at a hydrant —Anon
  26. As inevitable as the turning of the earth on which you stand —Harvey Swados
  27. As sure as a club —Mary Hedin
  28. As sure as a goose goes barefoot —American colloquialism, attributed to Northeast
  29. As sure as a tested hypothesis —Lorrie Moore
  30. As sure as a wheel is round —American colloquialism
  31. As sure as behave and misbehave —John Ciardi
  32. As sure as day —William Shakespeare
  33. As sure as death —William Shakespeare
  34. As sure as death —Ben Jonson

    Jonson’s use of this simile in Every Man in His Humor if not the first, is certainly one of the earliest encountered.

  35. As sure as meat will fry —American colloquialism, attributed to Southeast
  36. As sure as rain —Ben Ames Williams

    A more specific variation of this is “Sure as rain in April.”

  37. As sure as shooting —Anon

    This common expression probably stems from the no longer used “Sure as a gun,” variously attributed to the poet John Dryden and the playwright William Congreve.

  38. Sure as shooting —American colloquialism
  39. As sure as snakes crawl —American colloquialism, attributed to Midwest
  40. As surely as that two ends of a seesaw cannot both be elevated at the same time —Alexander Woolcott
  41. As surely as the eye tends to be long-sighted in the sailor and shortsighted in the student —Herbert Spencer
  42. As surely as the harvest comes after the seedtime —John Brown
  43. As surely as the tree becomes bulky when it stands alone and slender if one of a group —Herbert Spencer
  44. As surely as water will wet us, as surely as fire will burn —Rudyard Kipling
  45. As unpreventable as blinking your eyes when a light flashes suddenly —Anon
  46. Certain things will follow inevitably, just like a little trail of horseshit behind a fat old draught horse —George Garrett
  47. Definite as a counter-signed contract —Anon
  48. Inevitable as a comet’s return —Marge Piercy
  49. Inevitable as noon —Thomas Wolfe
  50. Inevitable as the snick of a mouse-trap —Carl Sandburg
  51. Inevitable … like a stone rolling down a mountain —Mary Gordon
  52. Predictable as a physical law —Charles Johnson
  53. (The man was as) predictable as rainwater seeking a low spot —William Beechcroft
  54. Predictable as the prints left by a three-legged dog —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  55. Predictable as the arrival of Monday morning —Harry Prince
  56. Predictable as the menu at charity dinner —Anon
  57. Predictable, like a diplomatic reception —A. Alvarez
  58. Secure as an obituary in the Times —Marge Piercy
  59. So predictable … just like tuning in the same radio station every night —Lee Smith

    A character in Smith’s novel, The Last Day the Dogbushes Bloomed, uses this simile to describe a dull suitor.

  60. A sweet and sure annuity; it’s like taking a bath at Fort Knox —Moss Hart

    This line from Light Up the Sky likens a national tour for an ice show to sure-fire success.



bet one’s boots To be absolutely sure or certain of something. The reference is to a gambler (perhaps a cowboy, whose boots are among his most important possessions) so sure of winning that he will bet everything he owns, including his boots. The phrase appeared in 1856 in Spirit of Times. Similar expressions are bet one’s life and bet one’s bottom dollar.

dead to rights Indisputably, unquestionably; positively, assuredly; usually in the phrases have someone dead to rights or caught dead to rights, in which it is equivalent to ‘in the act, red-handed’ Attempts to explain the origin of this American colloquial expression are frustrating and futile. Dead appears to be used in its meaning of ‘absolutely, utterly’; but the equivalent British expression bang to rights suggests something closer to ‘directly, precisely.’ The context of wrongdoing in which the phrase always appears in early citations indicates that to rights may relate to the rights of the guilty party, but the theory does not withstand careful analysis. The OED suggests a connection between the to rights of the phrase and the obsolete to rights ‘in a proper manner,’ but no citations contain analogous syntactic constructions. Despite its refusal to yield an elucidating explanation, dead to rights has been a commonly used expression since the mid-1800s.

dollars to doughnuts A sure thing, a certainty; usually in the phrase bet you dollars to doughnuts, in use since 1890. Although the precise origin of this expression is unknown, it obviously plays on the value of a dollar contrasted with the relative small worth of a doughnut, which once cost 5¢. Anyone willing to wager dollars to doughnuts is confident of winning his bet. One use of the expression apparently referred to the declining value of the dollar:

Dollars to doughnuts is a pretty even bet today. (Redbook, 1947)

eat one’s hat To admit willingness to “eat one’s hat” is to express certainty and confidence, and to be ready to abase one-self should things not turn out as one had anticipated. Should such cocksureness prove ill-founded, “eating one’s hat” would be analogous to “eating crow” or “eating one’s words.” The first use of this expression is attributed to Charles Dickens in The Pickwick Papers (1837).

If I knew as little of life as that, I’d eat my hat and swallow the buckle whole.

Of British origin, eat one’s hat is currently popular in the United States as well.

eggs is eggs Surely, definitely, absolutely, without a doubt. Usually used as an interjection or in the phrase sure as eggs is eggs, this British colloquialism is probably a humorous twist or an ignorant mispronunciation of “X” in the familiar algebraic equation, “X is X.”

[After examining me] the doctor shook his head and said, “Eggs is eggs.” (Johnny Carson, on The Tonight Show, NBC Television, 1978)

far and away Absolutely, incomparably, easily, undoubtedly; by far. Used to increase the intensity of a superlative adjective, this expression implies that there are no competitors or contenders within reach of this description.

You are far and away the greatest scoundrel I ever saw. (William E. Norris, Thirlby Hall, 1883)

hands down See EFFORTLESSNESS.

in spades Definitely, emphatically, to the utmost degree; without restraint or qualification; no ifs, ands, or buts. This expression connoting extremeness derives from the fact that spades are the highest suit in some card games. In spades is used as an intensifier, as in the following citation from Webster’s Third:

[I] have thought him a stinker, in spades, for many years (Inez Robb)

in the bag Assured, certain. The most plausible and frequent explanation holds that the reference is to game which has been killed and bagged, i.e., put in the gamebag. One source claims a cockfighting origin for the term; since a live gamecock is literally brought to the pits in a bag, for the owner confident of victory, “It’s in the bag.”

lead-pipe cinch An absolute certainty; a certain success; something that is easily accomplished; a piece of cake. In this expression, cinch refers to a saddle girth, the beltlike strap used to secure the saddle on a horse. If the cinch were tight enough, the rider did not have to worry about the saddle’s slipping; in fact, it was a certainty that the saddle would stay in place. Although the rationale for the inclusion of “leadpipe” in this expression is unclear, it is possible that the relative ease with which lead for (waste) plumbing could be worked (compared with cast iron) gave rise to lead-pipe as an intensifier.

It is a double-barrelled lead-pipe cinch that you’ll be more anxious to get it back than you ever were about a $10 loan overdue. (Outing, July, 1921)

on ice See ABEYANCE.

shoo-in A candidate, athlete, team, or other competitor considered to be a sure winner; the favorite. This expression employs the verb phrase to shoo-in ‘to cause to go into’ as a noun.

In the [Republican presidential] preferential poll, Taft looked like a shoo-in over Stassen. (AP wire story, May 13, 1952)

sure as shooting Certainly without a doubt, most assuredly. This colloquialism of American origin appeared in print by the mid-1800s. It was probably a cowboy expression referring to one’s need for sure ‘accurate’ shooting to avoid being shot dead in turn.

Sure as shootin’ … one of these days one of my customers will be coming in and telling me he caught a fish with one of your jackets. (Field and Stream, June 19, 1947)

Noun1.certainty - the state of being certain; "his certainty reassured the others"cognitive state, state of mind - the state of a person's cognitive processesconfidence, self-assurance, self-confidence, sureness, assurance, authority - freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"certitude, cocksureness, overconfidence - total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrantreliance, trust - certainty based on past experience; "he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists"; "he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun"doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, incertitude, uncertainty - the state of being unsure of something
2.certainty - something that is certain; "his victory is a certainty"sure thing, foregone conclusionquality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespearecert - an absolute certainty; "it's a dead cert"ineluctability, unavoidability - the quality of being impossible to avoid or evadeinevitability, inevitableness - the quality of being unavoidablesurety - something clearly establishedindisputability, indubitability, unquestionability, unquestionableness - the quality of being beyond question or dispute or doubtmoral certainty - certainty based on an inner conviction; "she believed in the importance of moral absolutes and moral certainty"; "the prosecutor had a moral certainty that the prisoner was guilty"predictability - the quality of being predictableslam dunk - something that is a sure to occur; a foregone conclusion; "predicting his success was a slam dunk"uncertainness, uncertainty, precariousness - being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income"


noun1. confidence, trust, faith, conviction, assurance, certitude, sureness, positiveness, authoritativeness I have said with absolute certainty that there will be no change of policy.
confidence doubt, uncertainty, disbelief, scepticism, qualm, indecision, unsureness
2. inevitability There is too little certainty about the outcome yet.
inevitability uncertainty
3. fact, truth, reality, sure thing (informal), surety, banker A general election became a certainty three weeks ago.Quotations
"In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes" [Benjamin Franklin]
"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties" [Francis Bacon The Advancement of Learning]


noun1. The fact or condition of being without doubt:assurance, assuredness, certitude, confidence, conviction, positiveness, sureness, surety.2. A clearly established fact:cinch, sure thing.


(ˈsəːtn) adjective1. true or without doubt. It's certain that the world is round. 千真萬確的,無疑的 确凿的,无疑的 2. sure. I'm certain he'll come; He is certain to forget; Being late is a certain way of losing one's job. 確信的 确信的3. one or some, not definitely named. certain doctors; a certain Mrs Smith; (also pronoun) certain of his friends. 某個或某些 某个或某些4. slight; some. a certain hostility in his manner; a certain amount. 一些 一些ˈcertainly adverb1. definitely. I can't come today, but I'll certainly come tomorrow. 一定 一定2. of course. You may certainly have a chocolate. 當然 当然 interjection of course. `May I borrow your typewriter?' `Certainly!'; `Certainly not!' 當然 当然ˈcertaintyplural ˈcertainties noun1. something which cannot be doubted. It's a certainty that he will win. 必然發生的事 必然的事情2. freedom from doubt. Is there any certainty of success? 毫無疑問,確定性 亳无疑问,确定的事 for certain definitely. She may come but she can't say for certain. 肯定地 肯定地make certain to act so that, or check that, something is sure. Make certain you arrive early; I think he's dead but you'd better make certain. 確定 弄清楚






a term used in probability theory, logic, epistemology, and law (theory of legal proof). In philosophical and logical-methodological investigations it is most frequently used to characterize knowledge that is valid, conclusive, or indisputable and also as a synonym for truth. In experimental natural science the term “certainty” frequently designates events and judgments that are regarded as empirically confirmed by special experiments or, more broadly, by the social and productive practice of men.

The term acquires a somewhat specialized meaning in probability theory. In so-called subjective, or personal, probability, certainty is most frequently interpreted as a concept reflecting the subject’s confidence in the correctness of his evaluation of the probability that a particular event will occur. From this point of view certainty also expresses the extent of a given individual’s knowledge about the conditions and factors contributing to or counteracting the occurrence of events. In this sense, with the exception of extremely idealized or oversimplified cases, certainty includes a considerable element of uncertainty, inasmuch as exhaustive knowledge about such conditions and factors is practically unobtainable.



Related to Certainty: Certainty equivalent

CERTAINTY, UNCERTAINTY, contracts. In matters of obligation, a thing is certain, when its essence, quality, and quantity, are described, distinctly set forth, Dig. 12, 1, 6. It is uncertain, when the description is not that of one individual object, but designates only the kind. Louis. Code, art. 3522, No. 8 5 Co. 121. Certainty is the mother of repose, and therefore the law aims at certainty. 1 Dick. 245. Act of the 27th of July, 1789, ii. 2, 1 Story's Laws, 6. His compensation for his servicer, shall not exceed two thousand dollars per annum. Gordon's Dig. art. 211.
2. If a contract be so vague in its terms, that its meaning cannot be certainly collected, and the statute of frauds preclude the admissibility of parol evidence to clear up the difficulty; 5 Barn. & Cr. 588; S. C. 12 Eng. Com. L. R. 827; or parol evidence cannot supply the defect, then neither at law, nor in equity, can effect be given to it. 1 Russ. & M. 116; 1 Ch. Pr. 123.
3. It is a maxim of law, that, that is certain which may be made certain; certum est quod certum reddi potest Co. Litt. 43; for example, when a man sells the oil he has in his store at so much a gallon, although there is uncertainty as to the quantity of oil, yet inasmuch as it can be ascertained, the maxim applies, and the sale is good. Vide generally, Story, Eq. El. Sec. 240 to 256; Mitf. Pl. by Jeremy, 41; Coop. Eq. Pl. 5; Wigr. on Disc. 77.

CERTAINTY, pleading. By certainty is understood a clear and distinct statement of the facts which constitute the cause of action, or ground of defence, so that they may be understood by the party who is to answer them, by the jury who are to ascertain the truth of the allegations, and by the court who are to give the judgment. Cowp. 682; Co. Litt. 308; 2 Bos. & Pull. 267; 13 East, R. 107; Com. Dig. Pleader, C 17; Hob. 295. Certainty has been stated by Lord Coke, Co. Litt. 303, a, to be of three sorts namely, 1. certainty to a common intent 2. to a certain intent in general; and, 3. to a certain intent in every particular. In the case of Dovaston.v. Paine Buller, J. said he remembered to have heard Mr. Justice Ashton treat these distinctions as a jargon of words without meaning; 2 H. Bl. 530. They have, however, long been made, and ought not altogether to be departed from.
2.-1. Certainty to a common intent is simply a rule of construction. It occurs when words are used which will bear a natural sense, and also an artificial one, or one to be made out by argument or inference. Upon the ground of this rule the natural sense of words is adopted, without addition. 2 H. Bl. 530.
3.-2. Certainty to, a certain intent in general, is a greater degree of certainty than the last, and means what upon a fair and reasonable construction may be called certain, without recurring to possible facts which do not appear; 9 Johns. R. 317; and is what is required in declarations, replications, and indictments, in the charge or accusation, and in returns to writs of mandamus. See 1 Saund. 49, n. 1; 1 Dougl. 159; 2 Johns. Cas. 339; Cowp. 682; 2 Mass. R. 363 by some of which authorities, it would seem, certainty to a common intent is sufficient in a declaration.
4.-3. The third degree of certainty, is that which precludes all argument, inference, or presumption against the party, pleading, and is that technical accuracy which is not liable to the most subtle and scrupulous objections, so that it is not merely a rule of construction, but of addition; for where this certainty is necessary, the party must not only state the facts of his case in the most precise way, but add to them such as show that they are not to be controverted, and, as it were, anticipate the case of his adversary. Lawes on Pl. 54, 55. See 1 Chitty on Pl. 235 to 241.


Related to certainty: Certainty equivalent
  • noun

Synonyms for certainty

noun confidence


  • confidence
  • trust
  • faith
  • conviction
  • assurance
  • certitude
  • sureness
  • positiveness
  • authoritativeness


  • doubt
  • uncertainty
  • disbelief
  • scepticism
  • qualm
  • indecision
  • unsureness

noun inevitability


  • inevitability


  • uncertainty

noun fact


  • fact
  • truth
  • reality
  • sure thing
  • surety
  • banker

Synonyms for certainty

noun the fact or condition of being without doubt


  • assurance
  • assuredness
  • certitude
  • confidence
  • conviction
  • positiveness
  • sureness
  • surety

noun a clearly established fact


  • cinch
  • sure thing

Synonyms for certainty

noun the state of being certain

Related Words

  • cognitive state
  • state of mind
  • confidence
  • self-assurance
  • self-confidence
  • sureness
  • assurance
  • authority
  • certitude
  • cocksureness
  • overconfidence
  • reliance
  • trust


  • doubt
  • doubtfulness
  • dubiety
  • dubiousness
  • incertitude
  • uncertainty

noun something that is certain


  • sure thing
  • foregone conclusion

Related Words

  • quality
  • cert
  • ineluctability
  • unavoidability
  • inevitability
  • inevitableness
  • surety
  • indisputability
  • indubitability
  • unquestionability
  • unquestionableness
  • moral certainty
  • predictability
  • slam dunk


  • uncertainness
  • uncertainty
  • precariousness




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