deficiency symptom

de·fi·cien·cy symp·tom

manifestation of a lack, in varying degrees, of some substance (for example, hormone, enzyme, vitamin) necessary for normal structure and/or function of an organism.

de·fi·cien·cy symp·tom

(dĕ-fish'ĕn-sē simp'tŏm) Manifestation of a lack, in varying degrees, of some substance (e.g., hormone, enzyme, vitamin) necessary for normal structure and/or function of an organism.

de·fi·cien·cy symp·tom

(dĕ-fish'ĕn-sē simp'tŏm) Manifestation of a lack, in varying degrees, of a substance necessary for normal structure and/or function of an organism.

Patient discussion about deficiency symptom

Q. what are the symptoms to look for a person suspected to be Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? A. i would go with WaylonRonaldo on this, but be careful not to "home diagnose" your child. it's a very dangerous thing to do. there has to be a process of differential diagnosis in order to avoid a mistaken diagnosis of ADHD. and that should do a specialist. a group of specialists in fact.

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