continuous passive motion

con·tin·u·ous pas·sive mo·tion (CPM),

a technique in which a joint, usually the knee, is moved constantly through a variable range of motion to prevent stiffness and to increase the range of motion; most often accomplished using a motorized device specifically designed for this purpose.

continuous passive motion

n. A technique in which a joint, usually the knee, is moved constantly in a mechanical splint to prevent stiffness and to increase the range of motion.

con·tin·u·ous pas·sive mo·tion

(kŏn-tinyū-ŭs pasiv mōshŭn) Technique in which a joint, usually the knee, is moved constantly through a variable range of motion to prevent stiffness and to increase the range of motion; most often accomplished using a motorized device specifically designed also to relieve pain after surgery or injury to major joints of upper and lower extremities.