Ewing tumor

Ew·ing tu·mor

(yū'ing), a malignant neoplasm which occurs usually before the age of 20 years, about twice as frequently in males, and in about 75% of patients involves bones of the extremities, including the shoulder girdle, with a predilection for the metaphysis; histologically, there are conspicuous foci of necrosis in association with irregular masses of small, regular, rounded, or ovoid cells (2-3 times the diameter of erythrocytes), with very scanty cytoplasm. Synonym(s): endothelial myeloma, Ewing sarcoma

Ew·ing tu·mor

(yū'ing tū'mŏr) A malignant neoplasm that occurs usually before the age of 20 years, about twice as frequently in males, and in about 75% of patients involves bones of the extremities, including the shoulder girdle, with a predilection for the metaphysis; histologically, there are conspicuous foci of necrosis in association with irregular masses of small, regular, rounded, or ovoid cells (2-3 times the diameter of erythrocytes), with very scanty cytoplasm.
Synonym(s): endothelial myeloma, Ewing sarcoma.


James, U.S. pathologist, 1866-1943. Ewing sarcoma - Synonym(s): Ewing tumorEwing tumor - a malignant neoplasm that involves bones of the extremities, including the shoulder girdle, with a predilection for the metaphysis. Synonym(s): endothelial myeloma; Ewing sarcoma

Ew·ing tu·mor

(yū'ing tū'mŏr) Malignant neoplasm that occurs usually before the age of 20 years, about twice as frequently in males, and in about 75% of patients involves bones of the extremities, including the shoulder girdle, with a predilection for the metaphysis. Also called Ewing sarcoma.