Acronym | Definition |
FICS➣Free Internet Chess Server |
FICS➣Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (French: International Federation of Chiropractic Sports; Switzerland) |
FICS➣Financial Industry Complaints Service (now Financial Ombudsman Service; Australia) |
FICS➣Financial Industry Computer Systems, Inc. |
FICS➣Federazione Italiana Cart's (Italian kart racing association) |
FICS➣Fellow of the International College of Surgeons |
FICS➣Factory Information and Control Systems |
FICS➣Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
FICS➣Foundations of Informatics, Computing and Software (Conference) |
FICS➣Fingerprint Image Capture System (US FBI) |
FICS➣Family Involvement-Communication System (education) |
FICS➣FAA Integrated Communications System |
FICS➣Fourier Imaging Correlation Spectroscopy (biology) |
FICS➣FMS Integrated Control System |
FICS➣Final Incurred Cost Submission |
FICS➣Foundation for International and Cross-Strait Studies |
FICS➣Forecasting & Inventory Control System |
FICS➣Fault Isolation & Control Subsystem |