

单词 dilleniid dicot family

dilleniid dicot family

Noun1.dilleniid dicot family - family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbsdicot family, magnoliopsid family - family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germinationcaper family, Capparidaceae, family Capparidaceae - a dilleniid dicot family of the order Rhoeadales that includes: genera Capparis, Cleome, Crateva, and PolanisiaBrassicaceae, Cruciferae, family Brassicaceae, family Cruciferae, mustard family - a large family of plants with four-petaled flowers; includes mustards, cabbages, broccoli, turnips, cresses, and their many relativesfamily Papaveraceae, Papaveraceae, poppy family - herbs or shrubs having milky and often colored juices and capsular fruitsfamily Fumariaceae, Fumariaceae, fumitory family - erect or climbing herbs of the northern hemisphere and southern Africa: bleeding heart; Dutchman's breeches; fumitory; squirrel cornfamily Loasaceae, loasa family, Loasaceae - family of bristly hairy sometimes climbing plants; America and Africa and southern Arabiafamily Malvaceae, mallow family, Malvaceae - herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallows; cotton; okraBombacaceae, family Bombacaceae - tropical trees with large dry or fleshy fruit containing usually woolly seedsElaeocarpaceae, elaeocarpus family, family Elaeocarpaceae - genus of trees and shrubs widely distributed in warm regions some yielding useful timber; in some classifications included in the family Santalaceaefamily Sterculiaceae, sterculia family, Sterculiaceae - a large family of plants of order Malvalesfamily Tiliaceae, linden family, Tiliaceae - chiefly trees and shrubs of tropical and temperate regions of especially southeastern Asia and Brazil; genera Tilia, Corchorus, Entelea, Grewia, SparmanniaEricaceae, family Ericaceae, heath family - heathersClethraceae, family Clethraceae, white-alder family - coextensive with the genus Clethradiapensia family, Diapensiaceae, family Diapensiaceae - north temperate low evergreen plants; in some classifications placed in its own order DiapensialesEpacridaceae, epacris family, family Epacridaceae - Australasian shrubs or small treesfamily Lennoaceae, Lennoaceae - family of fleshy parasitic herbs lacking green foliage and having heads of small flowers; California and Mexicofamily Pyrolaceae, Pyrolaceae, wintergreen family - evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola, Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthiliafamily Monotropaceae, Monotropaceae - used in some classification for saprophytic herbs sometimes included in the family Pyrolaceae: genera Monotropa and SarcodesDilleniidae, subclass Dilleniidae - a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; contains 69 families including Ericaceae and Cruciferae and Malvaceae; sometimes classified as a superorderbegonia family, Begoniaceae, family Begoniaceae - monoecious succulent herbs or shrubs of tropical and warm regions especially AmericaDilleniaceae, family Dilleniaceae - chiefly tropical shrubs and trees and climbers having leathery leaves or flattened leaflike stems: genera Dillenia and HibbertiaClusiaceae, family Clusiaceae, family Guttiferae, Guttiferae, St John's wort family - widely distributed family of chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines that produce oils and resins and some usable timberfamily Hypericaceae, Hypericaceae - used in some classification systems for plants usually included among the GuttiferaeActinidiaceae, family Actinidiaceae - tropical trees or shrubs or woody vinescanella family, Canellaceae, family Canellaceae - one genus: aromatic tropical trees of eastern Africa and Florida to West IndiesCaricaceae, family Caricaceae, papaya family - trees native to tropical America and Africa with milky juice and large palmately lobed leavesCaryocaraceae, family Caryocaraceae - small genus of tropical South American treesCistaceae, family Cistaceae, rockrose family - shrubs or woody herbs of temperate regions especially MediterraneanDipterocarpaceae, family Dipterocarpaceae - chiefly tropical Asian trees with two-winged fruits; yield valuable woods and aromatic oils and resins

dilleniid dicot family

  • noun

Words related to dilleniid dicot family

noun family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs

Related Words

  • dicot family
  • magnoliopsid family
  • caper family
  • Capparidaceae
  • family Capparidaceae
  • Brassicaceae
  • Cruciferae
  • family Brassicaceae
  • family Cruciferae
  • mustard family
  • family Papaveraceae
  • Papaveraceae
  • poppy family
  • family Fumariaceae
  • Fumariaceae
  • fumitory family
  • family Loasaceae
  • loasa family
  • Loasaceae
  • family Malvaceae
  • mallow family
  • Malvaceae
  • Bombacaceae
  • family Bombacaceae
  • Elaeocarpaceae
  • elaeocarpus family
  • family Elaeocarpaceae
  • family Sterculiaceae
  • sterculia family
  • Sterculiaceae
  • family Tiliaceae
  • linden family
  • Tiliaceae
  • Ericaceae
  • family Ericaceae
  • heath family
  • Clethraceae
  • family Clethraceae
  • white-alder family
  • diapensia family
  • Diapensiaceae
  • family Diapensiaceae
  • Epacridaceae
  • epacris family
  • family Epacridaceae
  • family Lennoaceae
  • Lennoaceae
  • family Pyrolaceae
  • Pyrolaceae
  • wintergreen family
  • family Monotropaceae
  • Monotropaceae
  • Dilleniidae
  • subclass Dilleniidae
  • begonia family
  • Begoniaceae
  • family Begoniaceae
  • Dilleniaceae
  • family Dilleniaceae
  • Clusiaceae
  • family Clusiaceae
  • family Guttiferae
  • Guttiferae
  • St John's wort family
  • family Hypericaceae
  • Hypericaceae
  • Actinidiaceae
  • family Actinidiaceae
  • canella family
  • Canellaceae
  • family Canellaceae
  • Caricaceae
  • family Caricaceae
  • papaya family
  • Caryocaraceae
  • family Caryocaraceae
  • Cistaceae
  • family Cistaceae
  • rockrose family
  • Dipterocarpaceae
  • family Dipterocarpaceae
  • family Flacourtiaceae
  • flacourtia family
  • Flacourtiaceae
  • family Fouquieriaceae
  • Fouquieriaceae
  • family Ochnaceae
  • ochna family
  • Ochnaceae
  • family Passifloraceae
  • Passifloraceae
  • passionflower family
  • family Resedaceae
  • mignonette family
  • Resedaceae
  • family Tamaricaceae
  • Tamaricaceae
  • tamarisk family
  • family Violaceae
  • Violaceae
  • violet family
  • family Santalaceae
  • sandalwood family
  • Santalaceae
  • family Loranthaceae
  • Loranthaceae
  • mistletoe family
  • family Viscaceae
  • Viscaceae
  • family Theaceae
  • tea family
  • Theaceae




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