

单词 degeneration



D0099300 (dĭ-jĕn′ə-rā′shən)n.1. The process of degenerating.2. The state of being degenerate.3. Medicine Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.4. Biology The evolutionary decline or loss of a function, characteristic, or structure in an organism or species.5. Electronics Loss of or gain in power in an amplifier caused by unintentional negative feedback.


(dɪˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃən) n1. the process of degenerating2. the state of being degenerate3. (Biology) biology the loss of specialization, function, or structure by organisms and their parts, as in the development of vestigial organs4. (Biology) a. impairment or loss of the function and structure of cells or tissues, as by disease or injury, often leading to death (necrosis) of the involved partb. the resulting condition5. (Electronics) electronics negative feedback of a signal


(dɪˌdʒɛn əˈreɪ ʃən)

n. 1. the process of degenerating. 2. the condition or state of being degenerate. [1475–85; < Late Latin]



go to hell in a handbasket To indulge in petty or sporadic dissipation; to carouse occasionally, in a small way; to degenerate bit by bit; gradually to go downhill morally. This slang expression is often used to describe typically adolescent anti-social behavior, usually of a temporary nature. However, it sometimes carries connotations of more serious and permanent moral decline. Its origin is unknown but it is interesting to speculate that it may be related to go to heaven in a wheelbarrow ‘to be damned’—handbasket replacing wheelbarrow to indicate the relative small-ness of one’s sins; hell replacing heaven to accommodate more literal minds. See go to heaven in a wheelbarrow, PUNISHMENT.

go to pot To deteriorate, to go downhill, to degenerate, to fall into a state of disuse or ruin. Although the exact origin of this expression is unknown, it may be related to the earlier phrase go to the pot, literally ‘to be cut into pieces like meat for the pot,’ and figuratively ‘to be ruined or destroyed.’

If it were to save the whole empire from going to pot, nobody would stay at home. (Pall Mall Gazette, February, 1884)

go to rack and ruin To degenerate, to deteriorate, to decline, to fall apart; also to go to rack and to go to ruin. Rack ‘destruction’ is a variant of wrack and wreck. The expression dates from at least 1599.

Everything would soon go to sixes and sevens, and rack and ruin. (Elizabeth Blower, George Bateman, 1782)

go to the dogs To degenerate morally or physically, to deteriorate, to go to ruin. The expression, which dates from at least the early 17th century, is thought to have come from the earlier Latin phrase addicere aliquem canibus ‘to bequeath him to dogs.’

Rugby and the school-house are going to the dogs. (Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown’s School Days, 1857)

on the high-road to Needham On the road to poverty or ruin; on the skids; suffering a mental, moral, or financial decline. This British expression, of infrequent occurrence, simply puns on need without reference to a specific locality.

on the skids On the road to poverty, ruin, disgrace, or oblivion; in a state of rapid deterioration or decline. The skids as denotative of a moral condition may derive from Skid Row. (See LOCALITY.) It appears frequently in longer phrases such as hit the skids ‘start on the downward path’ or put the skids under ‘cause the ruin or decline’ of a person or plan.

By 1929 Bix [Beiderbecke] was on the way down—not yet on the skids, but the good time and the big time was behind him. (Stephen Longstreet, The Real Jazz Old and New, 1956)

the seamy side The most disagreeable, unsavory, and offensive aspect; the sordid, perverse, degenerate, or immoral features. Literally, the seamy side refers to the wrong, or underside, of pieced fabric which shows the rough edges and seams of an otherwise acceptable article of clothing, tapestry, etc. The figurative use of the seamy side was pioneered by Shakespeare:

Oh fie upon them! Some such squire he was
That turned your wit the seamy side without,
And made you to suspect me with the Moor.
(Othello, IV, ii)

A commonly used derivative is seamy.

Noun1.degeneration - the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential qualitydevolutionphysical process, process - a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states; "events now in process"; "the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls"attack - the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent); "the film was sensitive to attack by acids"; "open to attack by the elements"obsolescence - the process of becoming obsolete; falling into disuse or becoming out of date; "a policy of planned obsolescence"macular degeneration - eye disease caused by degeneration of the cells of the macula lutea and results in blurred vision; can cause blindness
2.degeneration - the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualitiesdecadence, decadency, degeneracyabasement, abjection, degradation - a low or downcast state; "each confession brought her into an attitude of abasement"- H.L.Menchken
3.degeneration - passing from a more complex to a simpler biological formretrogressiontransformation, transmutation, shift - a qualitative changeabiotrophy - a loss of vitality and a degeneration of cells and tissues not due to any apparent injurycataplasia - (biology) degenerative reversion of cells or tissue to a less differentiated or more primitive form


noun deterioration, decline, dissolution, descent, regression, dissipation, degeneracy, debasement the degeneration of our political system


nounDescent to a lower level or condition:atrophy, decadence, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, deterioration.



1. Biology the loss of specialization, function, or structure by organisms and their parts, as in the development of vestigial organs 2. Biologya. impairment or loss of the function and structure of cells or tissues, as by disease or injury, often leading to death (necrosis) of the involved part b. the resulting condition 3. Electronics negative feedback of a signal



(biology). (1) In morphology, the process of cell or organ destruction; for example, the disappearance of the tail in the tadpole when it is transformed into a frog.

(2) In microbiology, the attenuation of the viability of a culture of unicellular organisms under unfavorable growth conditions.

(3) The concepts of general and specific degeneration were introduced into the theory of evolution by A. N. Severtsov. By general degeneration, or morphophysiological regression, Severtsov meant one of the trends of the evolutionary process, characterized by a reduction of the organs with active functions (organs of locomotion, sense organs, the central nervous system) and the progressive development of organs that are passive but important for the animal’s survival (the sexual system and the passive means of defense, such as integuments and protective coloration). The development of tunicates, cirripeds, and tapeworms proceeded according to the principle of general degeneration. In specific degeneration, organs present in the ancestors are reduced in the process of an organism’s historical development: for example, the extremities in legless lizards and the shell in cephalopods. The cause of the reduction of organs is the absence of the conditions necessary for their development and functioning.

(4) In pathology, the term “degeneration” was introduced by R. Virchow, who admitted the possibility of the “degeneration” of cells. Present-day medicine has established that changes in cells depend on local or general metabolic disturbance, or dystrophy.



a change in the structure and/or function of cells and tissues as a result of certain diseases. The term “degeneration” was introduced into the language of general pathology by R. Virchow to designate processes in which the normal components of the cytoplasm are displaced and in which unnecessary or harmful deposits form in the intercellular matter. The deposits include protein-like substances, fatlike substances (in which case the deposition process is called lipoidosis), and calcium salts. In Soviet medical literature these pathological processes, which Virchow called degenerations, are conventionally termed dystrophies.

In some medical disciplines, “degeneration” has a specific meaning. For example, in neuropathology it usually refers to decomposition of the nerve fiber as a result of injury or death of the corresponding neuron.


[di‚jen·ə′rā·shən] (electronics) The loss or gain in an amplifier through unintentional negative feedback. (medicine) Deterioration of cellular integrity with no sign of response to injury or disease. General deterioration of a physical, mental, or moral state. (statistical mechanics) A phenomenon which occurs in gases at very low temperatures when the molecular heat drops to less than ³⁄₂ the gas constant.

See Degeneration



 [de-gen″ĕ-ra´shun] deterioration; change from a higher to a lower form, especially change of tissue to a lower or less functionally active form. When there is chemical change of the tissue itself, it is true degeneration; when the change consists in the deposit of abnormal matter in the tissues, it is infiltration. adj., adj degen´erative.caseous degeneration caseation (def. 2).cerebromacular degeneration (cerebroretinal degeneration) 1. degeneration of brain cells and of the macula retinae, as occurs in tay-sachs disease.2. any lipidosis with cerebral lesions and degeneration of the retinal macula.3. any form of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis.colloid degeneration degeneration with conversion of the tissues into a gelatinous or gumlike material.cystic degeneration degeneration with formation of cysts.fatty degeneration deposit of fat globules in a tissue.fibroid degeneration degeneration of a leiomyoma" >leiomyoma with subsequent fibrosis" >fibrosis.hepatolenticular degeneration Wilson's disease.hyaline degeneration a regressive change in cells in which the cytoplasm takes on a homogeneous, glassy appearance; also used loosely to describe the histologic appearance of tissues.hydropic degeneration a form in which the epithelial cells absorb much water.lattice degeneration of retina a frequently bilateral, usually benign asymptomatic condition, characterized by patches of fine gray or white lines that intersect at irregular intervals in the peripheral retina, usually associated with numerous, round, punched-out areas of retinal thinning or retinal holes.macular degeneration see macular degeneration.macular degeneration, congenital see stargardt's disease.macular degeneration, Stargardt's stargardt's disease.mucoid degeneration degeneration with deposit of myelin and lecithin in the cells.mucous degeneration degeneration with accumulation of mucus in epithelial tissues.myofibrillar degeneration damage to selective cardiac cells when surrounding interstitial cells, nerves, and capillaries remain viable.myxomatous degeneration mucous degeneration.spongy degeneration of central nervous system (spongy degeneration of white matter) Canavan disease.subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord degeneration of both the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, producing various motor and sensory disturbances; it is due to vitamin B12 deficiency and is usually associated with pernicious anemia. Called also Lichtheim's or Putnam-Dana syndrome.wallerian degeneration fatty degeneration of a nerve fiber that has been severed from its nutritive source.Zenker's degeneration Zenker's necrosis.


(dē-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn), Negative or pejorative connotatoins of this word may render it offensive in some contexts.1. Deterioration; passing from a higher to a lower level or type. 2. A worsening of mental, physical, or moral qualities. 3. A retrogressive pathologic change in cells or tissues in consequence of which their functions are often impaired or destroyed; sometimes reversible; necrosis results in the early stages. Synonym(s): retrograde metamorphosis Synonym(s): degeneratio See: anterograde, retrograde. [L. degeneratio]


(dĭ-jĕn′ə-rā′shən)n.1. The process of degenerating.2. The state of being degenerate.3. Medicine Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.4. Biology The evolutionary decline or loss of a function, characteristic, or structure in an organism or species.


Medtalk The deterioration or compromise in function of a part. See Age-related macular degeneration, Ballooning degeneration, Fatty degeneration, Feathery degeneration, Granulovacuolar degeneration, Hereditary degeneration, Liquefactive degeneration, Macular degeneration, Myxoid degeneration, Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, Red degeneration, Spongy degeneration of infancy, Wallerian degeneration, Waxy degeneration.


(dĕ-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn) 1. Deterioration; passing from a higher to a lower level or type. 2. A worsening of mental, physical, or moral qualities. 3. A retrogressive pathologic change in cells or tissues, in consequence of which their functions are often impaired or destroyed; sometimes reversible; in the early stages, necrosis results. [L. degeneratio]


Structural regression of body tissue or organs, from disease, ageing or misuse, which leads to functional impairment, usually progressive.


the loss or reduction in size of an organ during the lifetime of an organism, or during the course of evolution. The latter process may give rise to a vestigial organ, e.g. the human appendix.


Gradual, progressive loss of nerve cells.Mentioned in: Alcohol-Related Neurologic Disease


Deterioration of tissue or organ resulting in reduced efficiency. Examples: degeneration of the cornea; degeneration of the retina. See corneal dystrophy.
age-related macular degeneration See age-related macular degeneration.
cobblestone degeneration See paving-stone degeneration.
cone degeneration See cone dystrophy.
Doyne's honeycombed degeneration See familial dominant drusen.
lattice degeneration of the retina See lattice degeneration of the retina.
lipid droplet degeneration See actinic keratopathy.
paving-stone degeneration Discrete, yellowish round areas of retinal thinning and depigmentation located near the ora serrata. The underlying choroid may be seen. It is a benign degeneration occurring with advancing age. Syn. cobblestone degeneration; peripheral chorioretinal degeneration.
pellucid marginal degeneration A rare condition characterized by bilateral, slowly progressive thinning and protrusion of the inferior peripheral cornea. The involved area is clear (hence the word pellucid), but the condition may be complicated by hydrops and the central cornea typically develops against the rule astigmatism. Treatment usually consists of gas permeable scleral lenses, but keratoplasty may be necessary. See corneal ectasia; hydrops; keratoconus.
peripheral chorioretinal degeneration See paving-stone degeneration.
peripheral cystoid degeneration A degenerative process in the peripheral retina that occurs almost universally in the elderly. It consists of numerous, discrete cystic spaces in the outer plexiform or inner nuclear layer presenting a frothy appearance. The degeneration starts at the ora serrata and slowly progresses to the peripheral retina. If the cysts should join together, degenerative retinoschisis develops. It is not usually associated with retinal tears. The condition does not require any treatment.
Salzmann's nodular degeneration A degenerative condition characterized by bluish-white, elevated nodules on the surface of the cornea. It may occur in people previously affected by trachoma, phlyctenular keratitis, vernal keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Most cases are asymptomatic, but if the nodules impair vision, keratoplasty may be necessary.
senile macular degeneration See age-related macular degeneration.
tapetoretinal degeneration A hereditary degeneration affecting the photoreceptors of the retina or the pigment epithelium layer. Some authors also include the choroid. Syn. tapetoretinopathy. See choroideremia; retinitis pigmentosa.
Terrien's marginal degeneration See corneal ectasia.
vitreoretinal degeneration See Wagner's disease; Stickler's syndrome.

Patient discussion about degeneration

Q. Is bipolar degenerative? Does it get worse with age? What can I do with this? Is bipolar degenerative? Does it get worse with age? I am with type II but I get in to severe depression at times. My mania is in short spurts but increasing in intensity. What can I do with this?A. Thank you for sharing your experience richguys... I hope that you find a treatment soon that eleviates the symptoms you have been experiencing... I'll be thinking about you.

Q. Is degenerative disc disease and arthritis the same thing? My husband was recently in a auto accident at work. They did a CT Scan of his head and neck. The doctor said that the CT Scan found that he has arthritis in his neck. After receiving the report ourselves to take to another doctor it reads: "There is minimal early degenerative disc disease with osteophyte formation predominately at C5-6. " My husband never had a problem with his neck before the accident A. I was suffering from pain for 2 years and undergoing numerous test for causes when a trip to a neurologist for migraines gave me an answer. FINALLY! This was in July of this year so I am still learning and finding out about fibromyalgia but I do know in the last couple of years there has been a greater acceptance BUT there are still a lot of doctors not being supportive (from experience and talking with others) and the public in general can be unaccepting b/c you look healthy, seem to be healthy and they can not understand why you are in pain that "can't be explained!" I encourage suffers of fibro to find support within their peers! it really helps to talk to people that understand! That's what brought me to this site to start with and I am so glad I found it!

Q. I am interested in information on working with fibromyalgiaI am having problems just coping at home! I have had 2 c-spine surgeries in 2 years, have degenerative disc disease, maigrains with nuurological tendencies, fatigue, deppression and fibromyalgia. I can't stand for long , sit for long, just making it through my daily life is stressful enough how do people manage to work? I have been off since August of last year but wan to feel well enough so I can return to the working world, Any suggestions? Tried Lyrica, doctor took me off the side affects for me were terrible!A. I had a cervical spinal fusion, C4-5,C5-6 and a SLAP repair of my left shoulder. Initially after the fusion the headaches and tinlging went away and then 4 months later, while in a PT work conditioning prorgam, the headaches returned, along with nausea, vomiting and vertigo. My doctor basically ignored the symptoms for the last 5 months and I was finally referred to a neurologist who is treating me with Lyrica and Imitrex. The side effects are brutal and it has come done to living with the headaches and other symptoms vs. living in a fog unable to function. I have come to realize that there is no magic "fix" and all the meds mask the stymptoms temporarily but it's a tradeoff when you consider the side effects and possible long term health issues from meds such as Lyrica that have no research as far as long term health conditions. I found a natural remedy called Headache Free and I'm giving it a try.....good luck because I know exactly how debilitative these symptoms are

More discussions about degeneration


Related to degeneration: macular degeneration
  • noun

Synonyms for degeneration

noun deterioration


  • deterioration
  • decline
  • dissolution
  • descent
  • regression
  • dissipation
  • degeneracy
  • debasement

Synonyms for degeneration

noun descent to a lower level or condition


  • atrophy
  • decadence
  • declension
  • declination
  • decline
  • degeneracy
  • deterioration

Synonyms for degeneration

noun the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality


  • devolution

Related Words

  • physical process
  • process
  • attack
  • obsolescence
  • macular degeneration

noun the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities


  • decadence
  • decadency
  • degeneracy

Related Words

  • abasement
  • abjection
  • degradation

noun passing from a more complex to a simpler biological form


  • retrogression

Related Words

  • transformation
  • transmutation
  • shift
  • abiotrophy
  • cataplasia




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