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effemination TranslationsEncyclopediaSeefeminizationeffemination
feminization [fem″ĭ-nĭ-za´shun] 1. the normal induction or development of female characters" >secondary sex characters.2. the induction or development of female characters" >secondary sex characters in the male.testicular feminization complete resistance" >androgen resistance.ef·fem·i·na·tion (e-fem'i-nā'shŭn), Do not confuse this word with feminization.Acquisition of feminine characteristics, either physiologically as part of female maturation, or pathologically by individuals of either sex. [L. ef-femino, pp. -atus, to make feminine, fr. ex, out, + femina, woman] ef·fem·i·na·tion (e-fem'i-nā'shŭn) Acquisition of appearance described as feminine, either physiologically as part of female maturation, or pathologically by individuals of either sex. [L. ef-femino, pp. -atus, to make feminine, fr. ex, out, + femina, woman] |