Cobb syndrome

Cobb syn·drome

(kob), cutaneous capillary malformation, usually in a dermatomal distribution on the trunk, associated with vascular abnormality of the spinal cord and resulting neurologic symptoms. Synonym(s): cutaneomeningospinal angiomatosis

Cobb syn·drome

(kob sin'drōm) Cutaneous angiomas, usually in a dermatomal distribution on the trunk, associated with vascular abnormality of the spinal cord and resulting neurologic symptoms.


Stanley, U.S. neuropathologist, 1887-1968. Cobb chiselCobb curetCobb gougeCobb methodCobb osteotomeCobb periosteal elevatorCobb retractorCobb spinal elevatorCobb syndrome - cutaneous angiomas, usually in a dermatomal distribution on the trunk, associated with vascular abnormality of the spinal cord and resulting neurologic symptoms. Synonym(s): cutaneomeningospinal angiomatosisCobb technique