Acronym | Definition |
DWA➣DreamWorks Animation (stock symbol) |
DWA➣Department of Water Affairs (various locations) |
DWA➣Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft (German: German Association for Water) |
DWA➣Domino Web Access |
DWA➣Display Write Assistant |
DWA➣D-Link Wireless Adapter |
DWA➣Device Wire Adapter |
DWA➣Direct Window Access |
DWA➣Decent Work Agenda (International Labour Organization; UN) |
DWA➣Desert Water Agency (US) |
DWA➣Data Warehouse Architect (various companies) |
DWA➣Digital Watermarking Alliance (computer-aided information) |
DWA➣Data Warehouse Administrator |
DWA➣Designated Waiting Area |
DWA➣Died of Wounds Resulting from Action with Enemy (US Navy) |
DWA➣Dielectric Wedge Antenna |
DWA➣Dont Worry About It (internet chat) |
DWA➣Dynamic Wavelength Allocation |
DWA➣Double Wrap-Around |
DWA➣Dutch Warmblood Association |
DWA➣Down with Acronyms |
DWA➣Digital Waveform Acquisition |
DWA➣Deputy Warden of Administration |