COCChamber of Commerce
COCClash of Clans (gaming)
COCCall of Cthulhu
COCCollege of the Canyons
COCChain of Custody
COCContinuum of Care
COCCanadian Opera Company
COCCost of Care (healthcare analytics)
COCCost of Capital
COCCenter of Concern
COCCertificate Of Conformance
COCCode of Conduct
COCCertificate Of Compliance
COCCorcoran (Amtrak station code; Corcoran, CA)
COCCorn on Corn (agriculture)
COCCertificate of Candidacy (Philippines)
COCCertificate of Conformity
COCCanadian Olympic Committee
COCChurch of Christ
COCChristian Outreach Centre (church, Brisbane, Australia)
COCContempt of Court (judicial order)
COCCorruption of Champions
COCCertificate of Coverage
COCChain of Confidence (Tupperware)
COCCombined Oral Contraceptive
COCChurch of the Covenant (various locations)
COCConference Call
COCCamp of Champions (Canada)
COCComptroller of the Currency
COCCorrosion Of Conformity (band)
COCCertificate Of Competency
COCCoptic Orthodox Church
COCCommissioner of Charities (Singapore)
COCChain of Command
COCCost of Conformance (Cost of Quality component)
COCCouncil of Colonels
COCCertificate of Citizenship (adoption)
COCCenter of Curvature (geometry)
COCCitizens Oversight Committee
COCCeramic-on-Ceramic (orthopedics)
COCContraceptifs Oraux Combinés (French: Combined Oral Contraceptives)
COCCoded Optical Character
COCChip on Ceramic
COCCircuit Order Control
COCClose Open Close
COCChannelized Optical Carrier
COCCertificate of Commencement
COCClerk of Courts (various states)
COCChinese Olympic Committee
COCChange of Circumstance (various organizations)
COCCyclic Olefin Copolymer
COCChief of Chaplains
COCContaminant of Concern
COCCertificate of Completion
COCChange of Command (military)
COCCircle of Confusion (photography)
COCClear of Conflict (flight)
COCCab Over Camper (pickup truck accessory)
COCConvention over Configuration (software design paradigm)
COCCommunity Outreach Center (various organizations)
COCChemical of Concern (environmental contaminant)
COCCampaign of Conscience
COCCleveland Open Cup
COCConstituents of Concern
COCCombat Operations Center
COCCommittee on Curriculum (various universities)
COCConference Organizing Committee (various organizations)
COCCommittee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (UK)
COCCouncil of Canadians (Lobby Group)
COCCenter of Competence
COCCaptains of Crush (Iron Mind; exercise hand gripper)
COCChange of Control
COCChabossière Olympique Club (French sports club)
COCCouncil on Competitiveness
COCClub Olympique Castelnaudais (French sports club)
COCConoco, Inc. (stock symbol)
COCCumulus-Oocyte Complex
COCChamber of Chat (Harry Potter fan site)
COCCongress Organizing Committee (various organizations)
COCCommittees of Correspondence
COCCourse of Construction (insurance)
COCCommittees Of Correspondence (NY national political organization)
COCCommand Operations Center
COCClub Omnisports Châteauneuvois (French sports club)
COCCommittee on Conscience (US Holocaust Memorial Museum)
COCCycle on Cycle
COCClub Olympique Creusot Bourgogne (French rugby club)
COCClub des Ornithologues de Châteauguay (French: Châteauguay Ornithology Club; Châteauguay, Quebec, Canada)
COCCouncil of Chiefs (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
COCContest of Champions (marching band competition)
COCClub Omnisports Couronnais (French sports club)
COCCascade Orienteering Club (est. 1979; Seattle, WA)
COCContinuance of Certification
COCCommandant of Cadets
COCCareer Opportunities Center (various schools)
COCConditions Of Carriage (airlines "fine print")
COCCash On Cash
COCCone of Cold (gaming, World of Warcraft)
COCCentral Office Code (first 3 digits of a local phone number, the so-called Exchange or Prefix)
COCCommission on Certification
COCClub Olympique Courbevoie Hockey sur Glace (French ice hockey club)
COCClub Omnisports des Coteaux (French sports club)
COCCalcifying Odontogenic Cyst (oral pathology)
COCCarnival of Carnage (band)
COCCommunity of Caring (est. 1980)
COCColloidal Organic Carbon
COCClan Owners Club (automobile club; est. 1978)
COCCity of Chester
COCCenter on Cell (programming)
COCCounselor on Call (various schools)
COCCentral Office Connection
COCCentre Omnisport de Chennevières (French sports club)
COCCanadian Orchid Congress
COCCommission of Colleges
COCCycle of Concentration (water treatment)
COCCustomer Own Collection
COCChrist on A Crutch (punk rock band)
COCCustomer Originated Change
COCChildren of the Cathedral (Fallout game)
COCConventional Oxidation Catalyst
COCCertificate of Composition
COCCircle of Chaos
COCCountry of Commencement (airlines)
COCClouds Over California (DevilDriver song)
COCCollege of Chiropractors (various locations)
COCCoastside Opportunity Center
COCCorps Operations Center
COCCondition of Class (transport status)
COCCrucible of Carnage (World of Warcraft)
COCCentro Operativo Combinato (Italy)
COCCarry Over Credit
COCCarrier Own Container (shipping)
COCComputer Operations Center
COCControl Officer Console (US Navy watch station for Naval Gun Fire support)
COCCrystals of Chaos (game)
COCCanadian Options Course
COCCultureel Ontspannings Centrum (Dutch: Culture and Recreation Center; Netherlands)
COCCult of Cod
COCCapital Approval Committee
COCCurrent Operations Cell
COCConventional Operating Current
COCClimb on Course
COCContinuity of Combustibility
COCCreators of Carnage (gaming clan)
COCCoalition Operations Center
COCContainer Operations Center
COCCommunication, Orientation, Coordination (laparoscopy team training model)
COCChurch of Clancy (gaming community)
COCCustomer Order Cycle
COCCommander of Command (Australia)
COCCentralized Operational Control
COCChart Overlay Copier
COCCleaned Optics & Coronas (copier repair)
COCCustomer Order Confirmation (sales and receivables)
COCCentral Operating Compartment (submarine)
COCCappuccino Owners Club
COCCycle of Cooling
COCCast Out Cookies
COCCash Operating Cycle