


C0606300 (kŏn′trə-dĭkt′)v. con·tra·dict·ed, con·tra·dict·ing, con·tra·dicts To assert to be untrue, often by saying the opposite: "The study contradicts the notion that merely keeping busy keeps people healthy" (Richard A. Knox). See Synonyms at deny.2. To assert the opposite of a statement or idea put forward by (someone). 3. To be contrary to; be inconsistent with: "[Her] almost giddy warmth in conversation appears to contradict her image as a confrontational, politically outspoken performer" (Elysa Gardner).v.intr. To make a contradictory statement.
[Latin contrādīcere, contrādict-, to speak against : contrā-, contra- + dīcere, to speak; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]
con′tra·dict′a·ble adj.con′tra·dict′er, con′tra·dic′tor n.