cochlear area

co·chle·ar ar·e·a

[TA] the area inferior to the transverse crest of the fundus of the internal acoustic meatus through which the filaments of the cochlear nerve pass to enter the cochlea; forms the base of the conic modiolus about which the cochlear canal spirals. See: base of modiolus of cochlea. Synonym(s): area cochleae [TA]

co·chle·ar ar·e·a

(kok'lē-ăr ar'ē-ă) [TA]The area inferior to the transverse crest of the fundus of the internal acoustic meatus through which the filaments of the cochlear nerve pass to enter the cochlea; forms the base of the conic modiolus about which the cochlear canal spirals.
See: base of modiolus of cochlea
Synonym(s): area cochleae [TA] .

co·chle·ar ar·ea

(kok'lē-ăr ar'ē-ă) [TA] Space inferior to transverse crest of the fundus of the internal acoustic meatus through which the filaments of the cochlear nerve pass to enter the cochlea.
See: base of modiolus of cochlea