cochlear recess

co·chle·ar re·cess

[TA] a small depression on the inner wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth at the portion of the pyramid of vestibule, between the two limbs into which the vestibular crest divides posteriorly; it is perforated by foramina that provide passage to fibers that the cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve sends to the posterior extremity of the cochlear duct. Synonym(s): recessus cochlearis [TA], Reichert cochlear recess

cochlear recess

A small concavity, lying between the two limbs of the vestibular crest in the vestibule of the ear, that lodges the beginning of the cochlear duct.See also: recess


Karl Bogislaus, German anatomist, 1811-1884. Reichert cameraReichert canalReichert cartilage - embryonic cartilage.Reichert cochlear recess - Synonym(s): cochlear recessReichert radius gaugeReichert scarReichert slit lampReichert substance - one of several steroids.Reichert tonometerReichert-Meissl number - an index of the volatile acid content of a fat.

co·chle·ar re·cess

(koklē-ăr rēses) [TA] Small depression on inner wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth at the portion of the pyramid of vestibule, between the two limbs into which the vestibular crest divides posteriorly.