Acronym | Definition |
DOP➣Dominican Peso (ISO currency code) |
DOP➣Director of Photography |
DOP➣Diameter of Particle(s) |
DOP➣Degree of Parallelism (database management systems) |
DOP➣Declaration of Performance (Construction Products Regulation; EU) |
DOP➣Degree of Polarization (fiber optics) |
DOP➣Department of Personnel |
DOP➣Dilution Of Precision (GPS) |
DOP➣Dioctyl Phthalate |
DOP➣Department of Posts (Ministry of Communications, India) |
DOP➣Date of Production |
DOP➣Date of Payment |
DOP➣Doppler |
DOP➣Date of Publication |
DOP➣Denominazione d'Origine Protetta (Italian: Protected Designation of Origin) |
DOP➣Degree of Protection (target analysis and terminal ballistics) |
DOP➣Division of Personnel (various locations) |
DOP➣Declaration of Principles |
DOP➣Department of Psychiatry (various organizations) |
DOP➣Declaration of Peace |
DOP➣Delineation of Privileges (health care) |
DOP➣Daughters of Penelope |
DOP➣Direct Object Pronoun (education) |
DOP➣Depth Of Penetration |
DOP➣Data-Oriented Parsing (computational linguistics) |
DOP➣Difference Of Perception |
DOP➣Division of Privileges |
DOP➣Detailed Operating Procedure |
DOP➣Dropping Outward Pilot (maritime industry) |
DOP➣Date of Purchase |
DOP➣Director of Pharmacy |
DOP➣Director of Operations |
DOP➣Dispositif Opérationnel de Protection (French: Device Operational Protection) |
DOP➣Divisional Operating Profit |
DOP➣Destruction of Property (crime) |
DOP➣Department Operating Procedure |
DOP➣Direct Operating Profit |
DOP➣Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol |
DOP➣Drop Off Point |
DOP➣Formai de Mut Dell'Alta Val Brembana (Italian) |
DOP➣Daily Operating Plan |
DOP➣Day One Purchase |
DOP➣United States Department of Peace |
DOP➣Diver Operated Plug |
DOP➣Domain of Pain (Counter-Strike gaming clan) |
DOP➣Digital Offset Press |
DOP➣Desktop Optimisation Pack (Microsoft) |
DOP➣Designated Overhaul Point (rework facility) |
DOP➣Dissolved Organic Phosphorous |
DOP➣Dispersed Oil Particulate (filtration testing) |
DOP➣Director of Procurement (job) |
DOP➣Development Options Paper |
DOP➣Directory Operational Protocol |
DOP➣Dublin Orchestral Players |
DOP➣Daily Obnoxious Post |
DOP➣Dropped Object Protection (Structures) |
DOP➣Disaster Operations Plan |
DOP➣Dioetylphthalate |
DOP➣Decoy Operating Program |
DOP➣Data/Date Object Processed |
DOP➣Drawing Office Practice |
DOP➣Developmental Opportunities Program |
DOP➣Diffractive Optics Plate |
DOP➣Digitally Operated Potentiometer |
DOP➣Depth of Plane |
DOP➣Depot Overhaul Plan |
DOP➣Development Operations Paper |
DOP➣Detachment Operating Procedure |
DOP➣Drain Open Failure Mode |
DOP➣Dirty Old Pervert |
DOP➣Direct Owner Purchase |
DOP➣Director of Payments |
DOP➣Director of Props |
DOP➣Dioctylephthalate |
DOP➣Desktop Operating Procedure |
DOP➣Division of Prisons (North Carolina) |
DOP➣Division of Occupational Psychology (British Psychological Society) |