Cesar Muños Arconada
Arconada, Cesar Muños
Born Dec. 5, 1898, in As-tudillo; died Mar. 10, 1964, in Moscow. Spanish writer. Member of the Spanish Communist Party from 1931.
Arconada wrote the collections of surrealistic poems The Thirst (1921) and The City (1928), biographies of movie actors, and books on A. C. Debussy. He lived in the USSR after 1939. He was editor of the Spanish edition of the journal Sovetskaia literatura from 1942 to 1964. His novel The Turbine (1930) depicts a Spanish village. He wrote revolutionary novels about the Spanish peasantry: The Poor Against the Rich (1933; Russian translation, 1934) and The Division of the Land (1934; Russian translation, 1937). Arconada dealt with the Spanish Civil War in many of his poems, in the novel The Tajo River (1938; Russian translation of Book 1,1941), and in the cycle Madrid Stories (1942). The tragedy Manuela Sanchez (1949) describes a heroine of the partisan movement.
In Russian translation:Ispaniia nepobedima: Sb. rasskazov. Foreword by F. V. Kel’in. Moscow, 1943.