

单词 family liliaceae

family Liliaceae

Noun1.family Liliaceae - includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceaefamily Liliaceae - includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae; Aloeaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Aphyllanthaceae; Asparagaceae; Asphodelaceae; Colchicaceae; Convallariaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Hostaceae; Hyacinthaceae; Melanthiaceae; Ruscaceae; Smilacaceae; Tecophilaeacea; XanthorrhoeaceaeLiliaceae, lily familyliliid monocot family - family of monocotyledonous plants of the subclass Liliidae; mostly herbs usually with petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistilsLiliales, order Liliales - an order of monocotyledonous plants including Amaryllidaceae and Liliaceae and Iridaceaeliliaceous plant - plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tubergenus Lilium, Lilium - type genus of Liliaceaegenus Agapanthus - small genus of South African evergreen or deciduous plants; sometimes placed in the family or subfamily Alliaceaegenus Albuca - genus of bulbous plants of South Africa; sometimes placed in subfamily HyacinthaceaeAletris, genus Aletris - small genus of bitter-rooted herbs of eastern North America and Asia; sometimes placed in family MelanthiaceaeAlliaceae, family Alliaceae - one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes especially genus AlliumAllium, genus Allium - large genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae as the type genusaloe family, Aloeaceae, family Aloeaceae - one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely acceptedgenus Aloe - large genus of chiefly African liliaceous plants; in some systems placed in family Aloeaceaegenus Kniphofia - genus of showy clump-forming African herbs with grasslike leaves; sometimes placed in family AloeaceaeAlstroemeriaceae, family Alstroemeriaceae - one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; sometimes included in subfamily Amaryllidaceaegenus Alstroemeria - genus of showy South American herbs with leafy stems; sometimes placed in family Alstroemeriaceae or in family AmaryllidaceaeAmianthum, genus Amianthum - one species: fly poison; sometimes placed in family MelanthiaceaeAnthericum, genus Anthericum - genus of Old World (mainly African) perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family AsphodelaceaeAphyllanthaceae, family Aphyllanthaceae - one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes genus AphyllanthesAphyllanthes, genus Aphyllanthes - one species; small fibrous-rooted perennial with rushlike foliage and deep blue flowers; sometimes placed in its own family AphyllanthaceaeAsparagaceae, family Asparagaceae - one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae: includes genera Asparagus and sometimes Ruscusgenus Asparagus - large genus of Old World perennial herbs with erect or spreading or climbing stems and small scalelike leaves and inconspicuous flowers; sometimes placed in family AsparagaceaeAsphodelaceae, family Asphodelaceae - one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceaeasphodel - any of various chiefly Mediterranean plants of the genera Asphodeline and Asphodelus having linear leaves and racemes of white or pink or yellow flowersAsphodeline, genus Asphodeline - genus of rhizomatous perennial or biennial herbs with numerous sometimes fragrant flowers in long cylindrical racemes; Mediterranean region to Caucasus; sometimes placed in family AsphodelaceaeAsphodelus, genus Asphodelus - small genus of tall striking annuals or perennials with grasslike foliage and flowers in dense racemes or panicles; Mediterranean to Himalayas; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceaegenus Aspidistra - genus of eastern Asiatic herbs; sometimes placed in the family ConvallariaceaeBessera, genus Bessera - small genus of cormous perennials of Mexico; sometimes placed in family AlliaceaeBlandfordia, genus Blandfordia - small genus of tuberous Australian perennial herbsBloomeria, genus Bloomeria - small genus of bulbous perennial herbs of southwestern United States and Mexico; sometimes placed in family AlliaceaeBowiea, genus Bowiea - small genus of tropical African perennial bulbous herbs with deciduous twining stems; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceaegenus Brodiaea - genus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored flowers; sometimes placed in family AlliaceaeCalochortus, genus Calochortus - large genus of western North American leafy-stemmed bulbous herbsCamassia, genus Camassia, genus Quamassia, Quamassia - genus of scapose herbs of North and South America having large edible bulbsErythronium, genus Erythronium - perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United States: dogtooth violet; adder's tongue; trout lily; fawn lilyFritillaria, genus Fritillaria - fritillary

family Liliaceae

Related to family Liliaceae: family Fabaceae
  • noun

Synonyms for family Liliaceae

noun includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae


  • Liliaceae
  • lily family

Related Words

  • liliid monocot family
  • Liliales
  • order Liliales
  • liliaceous plant
  • genus Lilium
  • Lilium
  • genus Agapanthus
  • genus Albuca
  • Aletris
  • genus Aletris
  • Alliaceae
  • family Alliaceae
  • Allium
  • genus Allium
  • aloe family
  • Aloeaceae
  • family Aloeaceae
  • genus Aloe
  • genus Kniphofia
  • Alstroemeriaceae
  • family Alstroemeriaceae
  • genus Alstroemeria
  • Amianthum
  • genus Amianthum
  • Anthericum
  • genus Anthericum
  • Aphyllanthaceae
  • family Aphyllanthaceae
  • Aphyllanthes
  • genus Aphyllanthes
  • Asparagaceae
  • family Asparagaceae
  • genus Asparagus
  • Asphodelaceae
  • family Asphodelaceae
  • asphodel
  • Asphodeline
  • genus Asphodeline
  • Asphodelus
  • genus Asphodelus
  • genus Aspidistra
  • Bessera
  • genus Bessera
  • Blandfordia
  • genus Blandfordia
  • Bloomeria
  • genus Bloomeria
  • Bowiea
  • genus Bowiea
  • genus Brodiaea
  • Calochortus
  • genus Calochortus
  • Camassia
  • genus Camassia
  • genus Quamassia
  • Quamassia
  • Erythronium
  • genus Erythronium
  • Fritillaria
  • genus Fritillaria
  • genus Tulipa
  • Tulipa
  • Colchicaceae
  • family Colchicaceae
  • Colchicum
  • genus Colchicum
  • genus Gloriosa
  • family Hemerocallidaceae
  • Hemerocallidaceae
  • genus Hemerocallis
  • Hemerocallis
  • family Funkaceae
  • family Hostaceae
  • Funkaceae
  • Hostaceae
  • Funka
  • genus Funka
  • genus Hosta
  • Hosta
  • family Hyacinthaceae
  • Hyacinthaceae
  • genus Hyacinthus
  • genus Hyacinthoides
  • Hyacinthoides
  • genus Ornithogalum
  • Ornithogalum
  • genus Muscari
  • Muscari
  • genus Scilla
  • genus Tofieldia
  • Tofieldia
  • genus Urginea
  • Urginea
  • genus Ruscus
  • Ruscus
  • family Melanthiaceae
  • Melanthiaceae
  • genus Narthecium
  • Narthecium
  • genus Veratrum
  • Veratrum
  • family Ruscaceae
  • Ruscaceae
  • family Tecophilaeacea
  • Tecophilaeacea
  • genus Xerophyllum
  • Xerophyllum
  • family Xanthorrhoeaceae
  • grass tree family
  • Xanthorrhoeaceae
  • genus Xanthorroea
  • Xanthorroea
  • genus Zigadenus
  • Zigadenus
  • genus Paris
  • Paris
  • Smilacaceae
  • subfamily Smilacaceae
  • genus Smilax
  • Smilax
  • Convallariaceae
  • family Convallariaceae
  • Convallaria
  • genus Convallaria
  • genus Clintonia
  • genus Liriope
  • Liriope
  • genus Maianthemum
  • Maianthemum
  • genus Polygonatum
  • Polygonatum
  • subfamily Uvulariaceae
  • Uvulariaceae




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