EFGEntscheidungen der Finanzgerichte (German tax court reporter)
EFGEuropean Furniture Group (various locations)
EFGEffingham (Amtrak station code; Effingham, IL)
EFGEnterprise Finance Guarantee (UK)
EFGEnfances, Familles, Générations (French: Childhoods, Families, Generations; journal; Canada)
EFGEvangelische Freie Gemeinde (German: Evangelical Free Church)
EFGElectric Field Gradient
EFGÉtablissement Français des Greffes (French: French Transplant Establishment)
EFGEuropean Financial Group
EFGEdge-defined Film-fed Growth
EFGExtensive Form Game
EFGEducation Finance Group (student loans)
EFGEuropean Federation of Geologists
EFGEgyptian Financial Group
EFGEpic Fail Guy
EFGEntreprise Funéraire Générale (French: General Funeral Company)
EFGEarth Fixed Geocentric
EFGEast Flower Garden Bank (Texas, USA)
EFGExercise Franchise for Good Governance (non-political and social forum)
EFGEvil Freakin' Grin (polite form)
EFGEarth Federation Government (Mobile Suit Gundam)
EFGElectronic Field Gathering
EFGEarly Flank Gate
EFGEnterprise Framework Group (consulting firm; Breckenridge, CO)