Dimov, Dimitr

Dimov, Dimitr


Born June 25, 1909, in Lovech; died Apr. 1, 1966, in Bucharest; buried in Sofia. Bulgarian writer. Honored Artist of Culture of Bulgaria from 1963. Professor of anatomy from 1953. Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party from 1946.

In 1938 Dimov’s novel Lieutenant Bents was published. His antifascist novel Condemned Souls (1945), dealing with the Republican struggle in Spain, is distinguished for its masterful psychological analysis. The epic novel Tobacco (1951; Dimitrov Prize, 1952; 2nd supplemented ed., 1953) examines the Bulgarian struggle for national liberation and the ideological and moral disintegration of the ruling circles during the 1930’s and on the eve of the socialist revolution. Dimov is the author of the plays Women With a Past (1959), The Guilty (1961), and Respite in Arko Iris (1963). Several of his works in the field of anatomy have also been published.


S”brani s”ochineniia, vols. 1-6. Sofia, 1966-67.
Anatomiia no domashnite zhivotni, 2nd ed. Sofia, 1963.
In Russian translation:
Tabak, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1969.
Osuzhdennye dushi. Moscow, 1963.
Zhenshchiny s proshlym. Moscow, 1959.


Gachev, G. “Tvorchestvo D. Dimova.” In Pisateli stran narodnoi demokratii, issue 2. Moscow, 1958.
Markov, D. “Dimitr Dimov-romanist.” In Bolgarskaia literatiim nashikh dnei. Moscow, 1969.
Karaslavov, G. “Dimit”r Dimov-pisateliat, ucheniiat.” In Blizki i poznati. Sofia, 1968.