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a·part·ment A0360200 (ə-pärt′mənt)n.1. A room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally located in a building occupied by more than one household.2. An apartment building: a row of high-rise apartments.3. A room.4. apartments Chiefly British A suite of rooms within a larger building set aside for a particular purpose or person. [French appartement, from Italian appartamento, from appartare, to separate, from a parte, apart : a, to (from Latin ad; see ad-) + parte, side (from Latin pars, part-; see part).]apartments (əˈpɑːtmənts) pl na suite of rooms in a grand residence such as a palace distinguished from any public rooms and designated for the use of a particular person or groupapartments
apartments (Brit.)A group of rooms used as a dwelling by one person or one family.Apartments
APARTMENTS. A part of a house occupied by a person, while the rest isoccupied by another, or others. 7 Mann. & Gr. 95 ; 6 Mod. 214 ; Woodf. L. &T. 178. See House. FinancialSeeapartment |